Joomgallery not detecting imagemagick

  • I am trying to do some benchmark tests when it comes to image quality and performance between using GD2 and ImageMagick as the image processor. Unfortunately, there seems to be an issue with the joomgallery not detecting the extension. Php info shows ImageMagick is present and loaded properly. Running on my localhost on WAMP64.

    Any Idea what could be the reason?

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    JoomGallery does not use the php wrapper of ImageMagick, but the command line tool itself. Are you able to perform a convert command on the SSH terminal of your webserver?

    You can perfom the following command in your bash to verify that ImageMagick is available:

    $ convert -version

    For more information:…mmand-line-processing.php

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    Melde dich bei Interesse bei mir (Elfangor93).

    (Verfügbare Jobs: PHP-Entwicklung, Testen, Übersetzen, Dokumentation)