Beiträge von dan40

    Thanks for the reply. I did find the thread you posted above before you posted it here. It's unfortunate. Mootools seems to work but as soon as I enable it, my random images slideshow block doesn't work anymore.

    I've had to turn off the captcha on my comments and am waiting for the influx of comments and spam to come in for me to approve or delete manually.

    Iis there any chance you could whip up a reCaptcha v3 plugin?

    I can't get this fixed. I've had to disable it on my site which I would really not rather do, because now I have to manually approve every comment that comes in, instead of having the recaptcha do this on its own. If I get hundreds or thousands of comments it's going to be an awful strain on my time.

    Thank you so much foryour continued help.

    Hi, my JoomRecaptcha plugin has stopped working. Now all I get is a looping icon in the recaptcha block. Users cannot add comments to any of my images anymore. I've disabled/removed all browser plugins, cleared my cache, tried different browsers, and still it loops, as shown in the attached image. Is anyone else having this issue?

    Oh, this is unbelievable! I closed my browser and came back to the page about 2 hours later and now it's showing 5 columns and aligned properly!! Sorry to have bugged you about this.

    I have Stable Diffusion installed locally. :)

    Originally I had 5 columns on my gallery front page, then I changed it to 6 columns, and decided it was just too much to squeeze in to 6 columns, so I changed it back to 5. But now, it's like there's an "invisible" or "ghost" 6th column showing where nothing exists and I can't get it to display properly with the 5 columns I have specified. All of my gallery categories are squished over to the left side. I'm no stranger to JG3, but this, I cannot figure out. Any ideas?

    I was aware I could use different effects but the only one that works for me is if I use Fading with the width and height dimensions equal, though images with wider dimensions the image looks distorted.

    I'm sorry if I bothered you about this too much, it was not my intent to get you riled up about it. My sincerest apologies.

    Strangely enough, I can still click on the image behind the image being shown and still get it to go to the image in the background.

    It's been a couple of days now. I'm kindly looking for an explanation on how to fix this if anyone on the admin team is around and reading this. Please tell me what you can, I'm dying to know. Thanks so much.

    I've just added a JoomImages slideshow that will show 250 images in 1 column, fading between images. The problem is, when the next image is narrower than the last image, a partial remnant of the last image appears behind the current (next) image. How can I get the previous image to fade out as the new image fades in, so there is no overlapping?

    What would it take to add a "Downloads ascending/descending" option to this menu in JoomImages?

    I can get it to show the number of downloads an image has if I select "Random Images" and only show the number of downloads, but I can't get the downloads showing from highest to lowest (ascending/descending) or vice-versa, so it isn't a true interpretation of what is needed. I've had to write a new article to explain this to my viewers.

    JoomGallery is A+ in my opinion, I love this app. But a "download hits ascending/descending" option is really needed for this drop-down in the JoomImages module. That would make it A++!! I realize JG is coming for Joomla 4, but would it be more prudent to make a change this module in the interim while we wait for JG for J4?

    [tt]Here you can find the documentation of the Joomla mailing class. I think I would try putting the thumbnail as an attachement using $mailer->addAttachment(<IMAGEPATH>)

    Thank you for that explanation! The <IMAGEPATH> needs a variable, it's not just IMAGEPATH, as indicated. Once I did that I got an error message but then I reversed the change I made and realized that the < and > around the word needs a variable followed by a ";" to end the command. What's the variable for the image thumbnail?

    I created a new Article which shows at the top of each menu item. For example, I created a Top Rated menu item and associated it with an article called "Top Rated". Then I added a new module and called it "Top Rated" and gave it the parameters I wanted to show. It's kind of a sneaky way of doing what I want it to do, but it works like a charm, but have only had it up for about 4 hours. I'll have to wait for people to read the article at the top of the page to see if anyone understands that they can rate and comment on each image.

    So my site has been up for awhile now, and I'm getting lots of hits and downloads but nobody seems to be commenting or rating (voting) on any images. I did that on some of my images and there is a direct menu link for "Top Rated" and "Image Comments", but mine are the only ones there.

    How do I put a message in the header that reminds site visitors that they can rate and comment on any image?

    Hi, I wanted to create a sub-subcategory which is 3 levels deep as shown in the screen capture below, and show a random thumbnail image from the subcategory, but it's not showing me any random image:

    Here's my category structure...

    In Gallery View/Random Thumbnail, I have it set to "from both", and in the actual gallery, it shows this:

    How do I get it to show a random thumbnail for the subcategories of "Disney Characters"?

    Should there be a "from all" Random Thumbnail option?


    I'd like to create a Featured Image that will be randomly chosen and displayed for 24 hours, beginning at midnight, and continue to be displayed until midnight the following day. I can't find a setting in JoomImages where there is a setting for this, unless I'm missing something. I can do a box for it, but it's a Random image that refreshes every time the page refreshes, and that's not what I want, I want it to show the same image to everyone chosen randomly for 24 hours. Could someone here kindly recommend a new plugin or setting in JoomImages that will allow me to do this? Thanks!