How do I encourage site visitors to comment and vote?

  • So my site has been up for awhile now, and I'm getting lots of hits and downloads but nobody seems to be commenting or rating (voting) on any images. I did that on some of my images and there is a direct menu link for "Top Rated" and "Image Comments", but mine are the only ones there.

    How do I put a message in the header that reminds site visitors that they can rate and comment on any image?

  • I created a new Article which shows at the top of each menu item. For example, I created a Top Rated menu item and associated it with an article called "Top Rated". Then I added a new module and called it "Top Rated" and gave it the parameters I wanted to show. It's kind of a sneaky way of doing what I want it to do, but it works like a charm, but have only had it up for about 4 hours. I'll have to wait for people to read the article at the top of the page to see if anyone understands that they can rate and comment on each image.