Beiträge von Tazzios

    The recreate option for images currently does not recreate the detailed image.( atleast in my installation :saint:)

    It would be nice if Joomgallery would check if there is an original image and if so recreate the thumb AND detailed, or ask if you which you want to rebuild.

    nevermind need coffee, I uploaded a new image on the first field on 'Replace image files' that i saw which was the thumbnail instead of original. :D

    recreate just works fine. :thumbup:

    Is there a way that the joomla button generates a html without "joomplu:1" tags but just with the actual content like the source url?

    <a href="joomplu:1 type=orig"><img class="jg_photo" src="index.php?option=com_joomgallery&amp;view=image&amp;format=raw&amp;id=1&amp;type=img" alt="joomplu:1" /></a>

    I tried to see if could do something by myself by looking in view.raw.php, joombu.php, joomplu.php files but it is a bit to complex for me. Idea was to add a parameter option in button plugin where you could change this behavior.

    Dirtiest what that i tried was changing onContentPrepare to onContentBeforeSave. :P

    The reason why i tried this is because acymailing decided to not to call onContentPrepare in there new version(7.x) anymore. :cursing:

    And i did not see why only the src url is generated but the 'href' and 'alt' not.

    To hide the default button i added this css to my template:

        /*hide default  article image  button*/
        a[href$="/component/media/?view=images&tmpl=component&asset=com_content&author=&fieldid=jform_images_image_intro&folder="], a[href$="/component/media/?view=images&tmpl=component&asset=com_content&author=&fieldid=jform_images_image_fulltext&folder="] {
            display: none;

    Maybe there is an more elegant way that can be added as a config option in the plugin. But for now this also works which why i wanted to share it for other users. :)

    With the current default settings joomgallery looks what outdated maybe it is an idea to tune this a bit to give new users a better impression of joomgallery.

    • images are these days pretty small.
    • layout settings more clean look. Not al options on, al the features and buttons are enabled by default.
    • Disable (or delete) some upload functions.

    Maybe some one already has a nice configuration which can be used as default?

    i use joomgallery as media manager because :

    • i have a lot of different usersgroups and have created an hidden album for each group where the upload there
    • the current media manager from joomla is not friendly
    • User will makes a mess (of everything) so it is nice of you still can move stuff without breaking it.

    For images within an article this is not a problem but is is for the article intro and full image picture. Users can of course select there image but it will brake when images are archieved(to other category). To fix this i made the SQL script below that replaces the image path to a joomgallery url.

    If some one knows how to edit the article edit pages so that the joomgallery plugin shows up instead of the joomla media manager that would be even better but till then this is maybe helpful for others.

    Use at own risk, I`m sure there are people you can make a safer script in php as i`m now depend on the number of " in the string. ^^