Beiträge von omaralmeida

    The problem was solved thanks to the help of MrMusic. Thank you so much for taking the time, I am grateful.

    I'll leave the attached code here for others to use if they have something like that.

    defined('_JEXEC') or die('Direct Access to this location is not allowed.');

    $doc = JFactory::getDocument();

    $uri = JURI::getInstance();

    $ambit = JoomAmbit::getInstance();

    $doc->setMetaData('og:title', $this->category->name, 'property');

    $doc->setMetaData('og:type', 'article', 'property');

    $doc->setMetaData('og:url', $uri->toString(), 'property');

    $doc->setMetaData('og:image', $ambit->getImg('img_url', $this->images[0]), 'property');

    $doc->setMetaData('og:image:secure_url', $ambit->getImg('img_url', $this->images[0]), 'property');

    $doc->setMetaData('og:image:alt', $this->images[0]->imgtitle, 'property');

    $doc->setMetaData('og:image:type', 'image/jpeg', 'property');



    $doc->setMetaData('og:description', $this->category->description, 'property');




    $doc->setMetaData('og:description', $this->category->name, 'property');


    $doc->setMetaData('fb:app_id', 'xxxxxx', 'property');

    The code had gotten in a Joomla Group and I believe it is the same below. I have now added, Exactly like below, at the end of the document./domains3/******/public_html/components/com_joomgallery/views/category/tmpl/default_images.php.

    As I said it worked correctly, it's a great component, but now it only takes an image of the website's logo or an advertisement. The site is linked above and unfortunately I can't solve it, there are openGraph plugins active in Joomla, K2 works perfectly with them. If it's a plugin, it's complicated which one would cause it. I don't want to be so annoying to your team.

    defined('_JEXEC') or die('Direct Access to this location is not allowed.');

    $doc = JFactory::getDocument();

    $doc->setMetaData('og:image', $this->images[0]->thumb_src, 'property');

    $doc->setMetaData('og:image:secure_url', $this->images[0]->thumb_src, 'property');

    $doc->setMetaData('og:image:alt', $this->images[0]->imgtitle, 'property');

    $doc->setMetaData('og:title', $this->category->name, 'property');

    $doc->setMetaData('og:description', $this->category->description, 'property');

    if($this->_config->get('jg_anchors')): ?>

    <?php endif;

    Well then I don't know what the problem is. You set much larger thumbnails and if Facebook doesn't think it's a Joomgalery error since everything is up to date, the theme isn't the cause or Joomla. It worked fine and not anymore. Let's see a future update.

    Thank you for your dedication to helping.

    Well, it's the Gallery Thumbnails that are posted on Facebook, he should take one of them the first maybe and upload it to the Post. He's getting titles and everything else right but the thumbnail.

    I did a test by opening a popup image, copied the image link and posted it on Facebook, it uploaded correctly, perfect.

    The problem is with the Gallery thumbnails, Facebook cannot find any images.

    Take a test if you want from this gallery…m-dia-2-fotos-roni-coelho.

    I added the code at the end in the files below. But it didn't. Trying everything and still having problems, joomla is hard to use.


    in the Facebook Share Debugger

    in the Facebook Share Debugger

    Image Too Small: ...., was not valid because it did not meet the minimum size limitation of 200 by 200 pixels.

    Missing properties

    The following two mandatory properties are missing: og:url, og:type, og:description, fb:app_id

    Using Visualshaper_helix3 - Pattern Updated Theme

    Thanks for answering

    I installed the other plugins, Dynamic Open Graph Tags, Phoca Open Graph, VM OG Meta Tag and TAGZ Open Graph, still with problems.

    So I took screenshots of your demo and yes, correct. This problem is nowhere, all sites work except the Gallery, which still has no solution.

    Hi, we use Joomla 3.10.2 and JoomGallery 3.5.1 and we publish the Galleries link on Facebook and Twitter, but it hasn't been working properly anymore. No image uploads to Facebook /Twitter post.

    We use the VM OG Meta Tag plugin for this and in the articles on the site the images are correct, the problem is in JoomGallery.

    What should we do so that Facebook/Twitter loads an image from the gallery correctly?


    Website link