============= System Information ============= php: Linux companion 4.14.117-grsec-grsec+ #1 SMP Sat May 11 00:40:24 UTC 2019 x86_64 dbserver: mysql dbversion: 5.7.28-log dbcollation: utf8_general_ci dbconnectioncollation: utf8mb4_general_ci phpversion: 7.4.3 server: Apache sapi_name: cgi-fcgi version: Joomla! 3.9.22 Stable [ Amani ] 6-October-2020 15:00 GMT platform: Joomla Platform 13.1.0 Stable [ Curiosity ] 24-Apr-2013 00:00 GMT useragent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/86.0.4240.75 Safari/537.36 ============= PHP Settings ============= safe_mode: false display_errors: false short_open_tag: true file_uploads: true magic_quotes_gpc: false register_globals: false output_buffering: false open_basedir: session.save_path: xxxxxx session.auto_start: 0 disable_functions: xml: true zlib: true zip: true mbstring: true iconv: true max_input_vars: 1000 ============= Configuration File ============= offline: 0 offline_message: This site is down for maintenance.
Please check back again soon. display_offline_message: 1 offline_image: sitename: xxxxxx editor: tinymce captcha: 0 list_limit: 30 access: 1 debug: 0 debug_lang: 0 dbtype: mysqli host: xxxxxx user: xxxxxx password: xxxxxx db: xxxxxx dbprefix: xxxxxx live_site: secret: xxxxxx gzip: 0 error_reporting: default helpurl: https://help.joomla.org/proxy?keyref=Help{major}{minor}:{keyref}&lang={langcode} ftp_host: ftp_port: ftp_user: xxxxxx ftp_pass: xxxxxx ftp_root: ftp_enable: 0 offset: America/New_York mailonline: 1 mailer: smtp mailfrom: xxxxxx fromname: xxxxxx sendmail: xxxxxx smtpauth: 1 smtpuser: xxxxxx smtppass: xxxxxx smtphost: xxxxxx smtpsecure: tls smtpport: 587 caching: 0 cache_handler: file cachetime: 15 MetaDesc: Grove City High School Marching Band is a premiere band that strives to excellence in everything we do. MetaKeys: marching band, concert band, high school, HS Band, High School Band, premiere marching band MetaTitle: 1 MetaAuthor: 0 MetaVersion: 0 robots: sef: 1 sef_rewrite: 1 sef_suffix: 0 unicodeslugs: 0 feed_limit: 10 log_path: xxxxxx tmp_path: xxxxxx lifetime: 15 session_handler: database MetaRights: sitename_pagetitles: 1 force_ssl: 2 frontediting: 1 feed_email: author cookie_domain: cookie_path: asset_id: 1 memcache_persist: 1 memcache_compress: 0 memcache_server_host: xxxxxx memcache_server_port: 11211 memcached_persist: 1 memcached_compress: 0 memcached_server_host: xxxxxx memcached_server_port: 11211 redis_persist: 1 redis_server_host: xxxxxx redis_server_port: 6379 redis_server_auth: xxxxxx redis_server_db: 0 proxy_enable: 0 proxy_host: proxy_port: proxy_user: xxxxxx proxy_pass: xxxxxx massmailoff: 0 session_memcache_server_host: xxxxxx session_memcache_server_port: 11211 session_memcached_server_host: xxxxxx session_memcached_server_port: 11211 cache_platformprefix: 0 replyto: replytoname: shared_session: 0 session_redis_server_host: xxxxxx session_redis_server_port: 6379 session_redis_server_db: 0 session_redis_persist: 1 session_redis_server_auth: xxxxxx debug_lang_const: 1 ============= Folder Permissions ============= administrator/components: writable administrator/language: writable administrator/language/en-GB: writable administrator/language/overrides: writable administrator/manifests/files: writable administrator/manifests/libraries: writable administrator/manifests/packages: writable administrator/modules: writable administrator/templates: writable components: writable images: writable images/article-items: writable images/banners: writable images/booster-wear: writable images/downloads: writable images/fundraisers: writable images/headers: writable images/jazz-slider: writable images/music: writable images/rotator: writable images/sampledata: writable images/slideshow: writable images/video: writable images/sponsors: writable images/joomgallery: writable images/bazaar: writable images/allset-program: writable language: writable language/en-GB: writable language/overrides: writable libraries: writable media: writable modules: writable plugins: writable plugins/authentication: writable plugins/captcha: writable plugins/content: writable plugins/editors: writable plugins/editors-xtd: writable plugins/extension: writable plugins/finder: writable plugins/j2store: writable plugins/quickicon: writable plugins/search: writable plugins/system: writable plugins/twofactorauth: writable plugins/user: writable plugins/fields: writable plugins/installer: writable plugins/sampledata: writable plugins/joomgallery: writable plugins/privacy: writable plugins/actionlog: writable plugins/osmembership: writable plugins/eshop: writable templates: writable configuration.php: NOT writable cache: writable administrator/cache: writable log: writable tmp: writable ============= PHP Information ============= ============= bcmath ============= BCMath support: enabled ============= bcmath.scale ============= Local Value: 0 Master Value: 0 ============= bz2 ============= BZip2 Support: Enabled Stream Wrapper support: compress.bzip2:// Stream Filter support: bzip2.decompress, bzip2.compress BZip2 Version: 1.0.6, 6-Sept-2010 ============= calendar ============= Calendar support: enabled ============= cgi-fcgi ============= ============= cgi.check_shebang_line ============= Local Value: 1 Master Value: 1 ============= cgi.discard_path ============= Local Value: 0 Master Value: 0 ============= cgi.fix_pathinfo ============= Local Value: 1 Master Value: 1 ============= cgi.force_redirect ============= Local Value: 1 Master Value: 1 ============= cgi.nph ============= Local Value: 0 Master Value: 0 ============= cgi.redirect_status_env ============= Local Value: no value Master Value: no value ============= cgi.rfc2616_headers ============= Local Value: 0 Master Value: 0 ============= fastcgi.logging ============= Local Value: 1 Master Value: 1 ============= Core ============= PHP Version: 7.4.3 ============= allow_url_fopen ============= Local Value: On Master Value: On ============= allow_url_include ============= Local Value: Off Master Value: Off ============= arg_separator.input ============= Local Value: & Master Value: & ============= arg_separator.output ============= Local Value: & Master Value: & ============= auto_append_file ============= Local Value: no value Master Value: no value ============= auto_globals_jit ============= Local Value: On Master Value: On ============= auto_prepend_file ============= Local Value: no value Master Value: no value ============= browscap ============= Local Value: no value Master Value: no value ============= default_charset ============= Local Value: UTF-8 Master Value: UTF-8 ============= default_mimetype ============= Local Value: text/html Master Value: text/html ============= disable_classes ============= Local Value: no value Master Value: no value ============= disable_functions ============= Local Value: no value Master Value: no value ============= display_errors ============= Local Value: Off Master Value: Off ============= display_startup_errors ============= Local Value: Off Master Value: Off ============= doc_root ============= Local Value: no value Master Value: no value ============= docref_ext ============= Local Value: no value Master Value: no value ============= docref_root ============= Local Value: no value Master Value: no value ============= enable_dl ============= Local Value: On Master Value: On ============= enable_post_data_reading ============= Local Value: On Master Value: On ============= error_append_string ============= Local Value: no value Master Value: no value ============= error_log ============= Local Value: xxxxxx Master Value: xxxxxx ============= error_prepend_string ============= Local Value: no value Master Value: no value ============= error_reporting ============= Local Value: 0 Master Value: 22519 ============= expose_php ============= Local Value: Off Master Value: Off ============= extension_dir ============= Local Value: xxxxxx Master Value: xxxxxx ============= file_uploads ============= Local Value: On Master Value: On ============= hard_timeout ============= Local Value: 2 Master Value: 2 ============= highlight.comment ============= Local Value: #FF8000 Master Value: #FF8000 ============= highlight.default ============= Local Value: #0000BB Master Value: #0000BB ============= highlight.html ============= Local Value: #000000 Master Value: #000000 ============= highlight.keyword ============= Local Value: #007700 Master Value: #007700 ============= highlight.string ============= Local Value: #DD0000 Master Value: #DD0000 ============= html_errors ============= Local Value: On Master Value: On ============= ignore_repeated_errors ============= Local Value: Off Master Value: Off ============= ignore_repeated_source ============= Local Value: Off Master Value: Off ============= ignore_user_abort ============= Local Value: Off Master Value: Off ============= implicit_flush ============= Local Value: Off Master Value: Off ============= include_path ============= Local Value: xxxxxx Master Value: xxxxxx ============= input_encoding ============= Local Value: no value Master Value: no value ============= internal_encoding ============= Local Value: no value Master Value: no value ============= log_errors ============= Local Value: On Master Value: On ============= log_errors_max_len ============= Local Value: 1024 Master Value: 1024 ============= mail.add_x_header ============= Local Value: On Master Value: On ============= mail.force_extra_parameters ============= Local Value: no value Master Value: no value ============= mail.log ============= Local Value: no value Master Value: no value ============= max_execution_time ============= Local Value: 300 Master Value: 300 ============= max_file_uploads ============= Local Value: 1000 Master Value: 1000 ============= max_input_nesting_level ============= Local Value: 64 Master Value: 64 ============= max_input_time ============= Local Value: -1 Master Value: -1 ============= max_input_vars ============= Local Value: 1000 Master Value: 1000 ============= memory_limit ============= Local Value: 1024M Master Value: 1024M ============= open_basedir ============= Local Value: xxxxxx Master Value: xxxxxx ============= output_buffering ============= Local Value: 0 Master Value: 0 ============= output_encoding ============= Local Value: no value Master Value: no value ============= output_handler ============= Local Value: no value Master Value: no value ============= post_max_size ============= Local Value: 7G Master Value: 7G ============= precision ============= Local Value: 14 Master Value: 14 ============= realpath_cache_size ============= Local Value: 128k Master Value: 128k ============= realpath_cache_ttl ============= Local Value: 300 Master Value: 300 ============= register_argc_argv ============= Local Value: Off Master Value: Off ============= report_memleaks ============= Local Value: On Master Value: On ============= report_zend_debug ============= Local Value: On Master Value: On ============= request_order ============= Local Value: no value Master Value: no value ============= sendmail_from ============= Local Value: no value Master Value: no value ============= sendmail_path ============= Local Value: xxxxxx Master Value: xxxxxx ============= serialize_precision ============= Local Value: -1 Master Value: -1 ============= short_open_tag ============= Local Value: On Master Value: On ============= SMTP ============= Local Value: localhost Master Value: localhost ============= smtp_port ============= Local Value: 25 Master Value: 25 ============= sys_temp_dir ============= Local Value: no value Master Value: no value ============= syslog.facility ============= Local Value: LOG_USER Master Value: LOG_USER ============= syslog.filter ============= Local Value: no-ctrl Master Value: no-ctrl ============= syslog.ident ============= Local Value: php Master Value: php ============= track_errors ============= Local Value: Off Master Value: Off ============= unserialize_callback_func ============= Local Value: no value Master Value: no value ============= upload_max_filesize ============= Local Value: 512M Master Value: 512M ============= upload_tmp_dir ============= Local Value: xxxxxx Master Value: xxxxxx ============= user_dir ============= Local Value: no value Master Value: no value ============= user_ini.cache_ttl ============= Local Value: 300 Master Value: 300 ============= user_ini.filename ============= Local Value: .user.ini Master Value: .user.ini ============= variables_order ============= Local Value: EGPCS Master Value: EGPCS ============= xmlrpc_error_number ============= Local Value: 0 Master Value: 0 ============= xmlrpc_errors ============= Local Value: Off Master Value: Off ============= zend.assertions ============= Local Value: 1 Master Value: 1 ============= zend.detect_unicode ============= Local Value: On Master Value: On ============= zend.enable_gc ============= Local Value: On Master Value: On ============= zend.exception_ignore_args ============= Local Value: Off Master Value: Off ============= zend.multibyte ============= Local Value: Off Master Value: Off ============= zend.script_encoding ============= Local Value: no value Master Value: no value ============= zend.signal_check ============= Local Value: Off Master Value: Off ============= ctype ============= ctype functions: enabled ============= curl ============= cURL support: enabled cURL Information: 7.58.0 Age: 4 AsynchDNS: Yes CharConv: No Debug: No GSS-Negotiate: No IDN: Yes IPv6: Yes krb4: No Largefile: Yes libz: Yes NTLM: Yes NTLMWB: Yes SPNEGO: Yes SSL: Yes SSPI: No TLS-SRP: Yes HTTP2: Yes GSSAPI: Yes KERBEROS5: Yes UNIX_SOCKETS: Yes PSL: Yes HTTPS_PROXY: Yes MULTI_SSL: No BROTLI: No Protocols: dict, file, ftp, ftps, gopher, http, https, imap, imaps, ldap, ldaps, pop3, pop3s, rtmp, rtsp, smb, smbs, smtp, smtps, telnet, tftp Host: xxxxxx SSL Version: OpenSSL/1.1.1 ZLib Version: 1.2.11 ============= curl.cainfo ============= Local Value: no value Master Value: no value ============= date ============= date/time support: enabled timelib version: 2018.03 "Olson" Timezone Database Version: 2019.3 Timezone Database: internal Default timezone: UTC ============= date.default_latitude ============= Local Value: 31.7667 Master Value: 31.7667 ============= date.default_longitude ============= Local Value: 35.2333 Master Value: 35.2333 ============= date.sunrise_zenith ============= Local Value: 90.583333 Master Value: 90.583333 ============= date.sunset_zenith ============= Local Value: 90.583333 Master Value: 90.583333 ============= date.timezone ============= Local Value: America/Los_Angeles Master Value: America/Los_Angeles ============= dom ============= DOM/XML: enabled DOM/XML API Version: 20031129 libxml Version: 2.9.4 HTML Support: enabled XPath Support: enabled XPointer Support: enabled Schema Support: enabled RelaxNG Support: enabled ============= exif ============= EXIF Support: enabled Supported EXIF Version: 0220 Supported filetypes: JPEG, TIFF Multibyte decoding support using mbstring: enabled Extended EXIF tag formats: Canon, Casio, Fujifilm, Nikon, Olympus, Samsung, Panasonic, DJI, Sony, Pentax, Minolta, Sigma, Foveon, Kyocera, Ricoh, AGFA, Epson ============= exif.decode_jis_intel ============= Local Value: JIS Master Value: JIS ============= exif.decode_jis_motorola ============= Local Value: JIS Master Value: JIS ============= exif.decode_unicode_intel ============= Local Value: UCS-2LE Master Value: UCS-2LE ============= exif.decode_unicode_motorola ============= Local Value: UCS-2BE Master Value: UCS-2BE ============= exif.encode_jis ============= Local Value: no value Master Value: no value ============= exif.encode_unicode ============= Local Value: ISO-8859-15 Master Value: ISO-8859-15 ============= fileinfo ============= fileinfo support: enabled libmagic: 537 ============= filter ============= Input Validation and Filtering: enabled ============= filter.default ============= Local Value: unsafe_raw Master Value: unsafe_raw ============= filter.default_flags ============= Local Value: no value Master Value: no value ============= ftp ============= FTP support: enabled FTPS support: enabled ============= gd ============= GD Support: enabled GD Version: bundled (2.1.0 compatible) FreeType Support: enabled FreeType Linkage: with freetype FreeType Version: 2.8.1 GIF Read Support: enabled GIF Create Support: enabled JPEG Support: enabled libJPEG Version: 8 PNG Support: enabled libPNG Version: 1.6.34 WBMP Support: enabled XPM Support: enabled libXpm Version: 30411 XBM Support: enabled BMP Support: enabled TGA Read Support: enabled ============= gd.jpeg_ignore_warning ============= Local Value: 1 Master Value: 1 ============= gettext ============= GetText Support: enabled ============= hash ============= hash support: enabled Hashing Engines: md2 md4 md5 sha1 sha224 sha256 sha384 sha512/224 sha512/256 sha512 sha3-224 sha3-256 sha3-384 sha3-512 ripemd128 ripemd160 ripemd256 ripemd320 whirlpool tiger128, 3 tiger160, 3 tiger192, 3 tiger128, 4 tiger160, 4 tiger192, 4 snefru snefru256 gost gost-crypto adler32 crc32 crc32b crc32c fnv132 fnv1a32 fnv164 fnv1a64 joaat haval128, 3 haval160, 3 haval192, 3 haval224, 3 haval256, 3 haval128, 4 haval160, 4 haval192, 4 haval224, 4 haval256, 4 haval128, 5 haval160, 5 haval192, 5 haval224, 5 haval256, 5 MHASH support: Enabled MHASH API Version: Emulated Support ============= iconv ============= iconv support: enabled iconv implementation: glibc iconv library version: 2.27 ============= iconv.input_encoding ============= Local Value: no value Master Value: no value ============= iconv.internal_encoding ============= Local Value: no value Master Value: no value ============= iconv.output_encoding ============= Local Value: no value Master Value: no value ============= imagick ============= imagick module: enabled imagick module version: 3.4.4 imagick classes: Imagick, ImagickDraw, ImagickPixel, ImagickPixelIterator, ImagickKernel Imagick compiled with ImageMagick version: ImageMagick 6.9.7-4 Q16 x86_64 20170114 http://www.imagemagick.org Imagick using ImageMagick library version: ImageMagick 6.9.7-4 Q16 x86_64 20170114 http://www.imagemagick.org ImageMagick copyright: © 1999-2017 ImageMagick Studio LLC ImageMagick release date: 20170114 ImageMagick number of supported formats:: 230 ImageMagick supported formats: 3FR, AAI, AI, ART, ARW, AVI, AVS, BGR, BGRA, BGRO, BIE, BMP, BMP2, BMP3, BRF, CAL, CALS, CANVAS, CAPTION, CIN, CIP, CLIP, CMYK, CMYKA, CR2, CRW, CUR, CUT, DATA, DCM, DCR, DCX, DDS, DFONT, DJVU, DNG, DOT, DPX, DXT1, DXT5, EPDF, EPI, EPS, EPS2, EPS3, EPSF, EPSI, EPT, EPT2, EPT3, ERF, EXR, FAX, FILE, FITS, FRACTAL, FTP, FTS, G3, G4, GIF, GIF87, GRADIENT, GRAY, GROUP4, GV, H, HALD, HDR, HISTOGRAM, HRZ, HTM, HTML, HTTP, HTTPS, ICB, ICO, ICON, IIQ, INFO, INLINE, IPL, ISOBRL, ISOBRL6, JBG, JBIG, JNG, JNX, JPE, JPEG, JPG, JPS, JSON, K25, KDC, LABEL, M2V, M4V, MAC, MAGICK, MAP, MASK, MAT, MATTE, MEF, MIFF, MKV, MNG, MONO, MOV, MP4, MPC, MPEG, MPG, MRW, MSL, MSVG, MTV, MVG, NEF, NRW, NULL, ORF, OTB, OTF, PAL, PALM, PAM, PANGO, PATTERN, PBM, PCD, PCDS, PCL, PCT, PCX, PDB, PDF, PDFA, PEF, PES, PFA, PFB, PFM, PGM, PICON, PICT, PIX, PJPEG, PLASMA, PNG, PNG00, PNG24, PNG32, PNG48, PNG64, PNG8, PNM, PPM, PREVIEW, PS, PS2, PS3, PSB, PSD, PTIF, PWP, RADIAL-GRADIENT, RAF, RAS, RAW, RGB, RGBA, RGBO, RGF, RLA, RLE, RMF, RW2, SCR, SCT, SFW, SGI, SHTML, SIX, SIXEL, SPARSE-COLOR, SR2, SRF, STEGANO, SUN, SVG, SVGZ, TEXT, TGA, THUMBNAIL, TIFF, TIFF64, TILE, TIM, TTC, TTF, TXT, UBRL, UBRL6, UIL, UYVY, VDA, VICAR, VID, VIFF, VIPS, VST, WBMP, WMF, WMV, WMZ, WPG, X, X3F, XBM, XC, XCF, XPM, XPS, XV, XWD, YCbCr, YCbCrA, YUV ============= imagick.locale_fix ============= Local Value: 0 Master Value: 0 ============= imagick.progress_monitor ============= Local Value: 0 Master Value: 0 ============= imagick.skip_version_check ============= Local Value: 0 Master Value: 0 ============= imap ============= IMAP c-Client Version: 2007f SSL Support: enabled Kerberos Support: enabled ============= imap.enable_insecure_rsh ============= Local Value: Off Master Value: Off ============= intl ============= Internationalization support: enabled ICU version: 60.2 ICU Data version: 60.2 ICU TZData version: 2017c ICU Unicode version: 10.0 ============= intl.default_locale ============= Local Value: no value Master Value: no value ============= intl.error_level ============= Local Value: 0 Master Value: 0 ============= intl.use_exceptions ============= Local Value: 0 Master Value: 0 ============= json ============= json support: enabled ============= libxml ============= libXML support: active libXML Compiled Version: 2.9.4 libXML Loaded Version: 20904 libXML streams: enabled ============= mbstring ============= Multibyte Support: enabled Multibyte string engine: libmbfl HTTP input encoding translation: disabled libmbfl version: 1.3.2 Multibyte (japanese) regex support: enabled Multibyte regex (oniguruma) version: 6.7.0 ============= mbstring.detect_order ============= Local Value: no value Master Value: no value ============= mbstring.encoding_translation ============= Local Value: Off Master Value: Off ============= mbstring.func_overload ============= Local Value: 0 Master Value: 0 ============= mbstring.http_input ============= Local Value: no value Master Value: no value ============= mbstring.http_output ============= Local Value: no value Master Value: no value ============= mbstring.http_output_conv_mimetypes ============= Local Value: ^(text/|application/xhtml\+xml) Master Value: ^(text/|application/xhtml\+xml) ============= mbstring.internal_encoding ============= Local Value: no value Master Value: no value ============= mbstring.language ============= Local Value: neutral Master Value: neutral ============= mbstring.regex_retry_limit ============= Local Value: 1000000 Master Value: 1000000 ============= mbstring.regex_stack_limit ============= Local Value: 100000 Master Value: 100000 ============= mbstring.strict_detection ============= Local Value: Off Master Value: Off ============= mbstring.substitute_character ============= Local Value: no value Master Value: no value ============= mysqli ============= MysqlI Support: enabled Client API library version: mysqlnd 7.4.3 Active Persistent Links: 0 Inactive Persistent Links: 0 Active Links: 1 ============= mysqli.allow_local_infile ============= Local Value: Off Master Value: Off ============= mysqli.allow_persistent ============= Local Value: On Master Value: On ============= mysqli.default_host ============= Local Value: no value Master Value: no value ============= mysqli.default_port ============= Local Value: 3306 Master Value: 3306 ============= mysqli.default_pw ============= Local Value: no value Master Value: no value ============= mysqli.default_socket ============= Local Value: xxxxxx Master Value: xxxxxx ============= mysqli.default_user ============= Local Value: no value Master Value: no value ============= mysqli.max_links ============= Local Value: Unlimited Master Value: Unlimited ============= mysqli.max_persistent ============= Local Value: Unlimited Master Value: Unlimited ============= mysqli.reconnect ============= Local Value: Off Master Value: Off ============= mysqli.rollback_on_cached_plink ============= Local Value: Off Master Value: Off ============= mysqlnd ============= mysqlnd: enabled Version: mysqlnd 7.4.3 Compression: supported core SSL: supported extended SSL: supported Command buffer size: 4096 Read buffer size: 32768 Read timeout: 86400 Collecting statistics: Yes Collecting memory statistics: No Tracing: n/a Loaded plugins: mysqlnd, debug_trace, auth_plugin_mysql_native_password, auth_plugin_mysql_clear_password, auth_plugin_caching_sha2_password, auth_plugin_sha256_password API Extensions: mysqli, pdo_mysql ============= openssl ============= OpenSSL support: enabled OpenSSL Library Version: OpenSSL 1.1.1 11 Sep 2018 OpenSSL Header Version: OpenSSL 1.1.0g 2 Nov 2017 Openssl default config: /usr/lib/ssl/openssl.cnf ============= openssl.cafile ============= Local Value: no value Master Value: no value ============= openssl.capath ============= Local Value: no value Master Value: no value ============= pcntl ============= pcntl support: enabled ============= pcre ============= PCRE (Perl Compatible Regular Expressions) Support: enabled PCRE Library Version: 10.33 2019-04-16 PCRE Unicode Version: 11.0.0 PCRE JIT Support: enabled PCRE JIT Target: x86 64bit (little endian + unaligned) ============= pcre.backtrack_limit ============= Local Value: 1000000 Master Value: 1000000 ============= pcre.jit ============= Local Value: 1 Master Value: 1 ============= pcre.recursion_limit ============= Local Value: 100000 Master Value: 100000 ============= PDO ============= PDO support: enabled PDO drivers: sqlite, mysql ============= pdo_mysql ============= PDO Driver for MySQL: enabled Client API version: mysqlnd 7.4.3 ============= pdo_mysql.default_socket ============= Local Value: xxxxxx Master Value: xxxxxx ============= pdo_sqlite ============= PDO Driver for SQLite 3.x: enabled SQLite Library: 3.22.0 ============= Phar ============= Phar: PHP Archive support: enabled Phar API version: 1.1.1 Phar-based phar archives: enabled Tar-based phar archives: enabled ZIP-based phar archives: enabled gzip compression: enabled bzip2 compression: enabled OpenSSL support: enabled ============= phar.cache_list ============= Local Value: no value Master Value: no value ============= phar.readonly ============= Local Value: On Master Value: On ============= phar.require_hash ============= Local Value: On Master Value: On ============= posix ============= POSIX support: enabled ============= pspell ============= PSpell Support: enabled ============= Reflection ============= Reflection: enabled ============= session ============= Session Support: enabled Registered save handlers: files user Registered serializer handlers: php_serialize php php_binary ============= session.auto_start ============= Local Value: Off Master Value: Off ============= session.cache_expire ============= Local Value: 180 Master Value: 180 ============= session.cache_limiter ============= Local Value: none Master Value: nocache ============= session.cookie_domain ============= Local Value: no value Master Value: no value ============= session.cookie_httponly ============= Local Value: 1 Master Value: 0 ============= session.cookie_lifetime ============= Local Value: 0 Master Value: 0 ============= session.cookie_path ============= Local Value: / Master Value: / ============= session.cookie_samesite ============= Local Value: no value Master Value: no value ============= session.cookie_secure ============= Local Value: 1 Master Value: 0 ============= session.gc_divisor ============= Local Value: 1000 Master Value: 1000 ============= session.gc_maxlifetime ============= Local Value: 900 Master Value: 1440 ============= session.gc_probability ============= Local Value: 1 Master Value: 1 ============= session.lazy_write ============= Local Value: On Master Value: On ============= session.name ============= Local Value: xxxxxx Master Value: xxxxxx ============= session.referer_check ============= Local Value: no value Master Value: no value ============= session.save_handler ============= Local Value: user Master Value: files ============= session.save_path ============= Local Value: xxxxxx Master Value: xxxxxx ============= session.serialize_handler ============= Local Value: php Master Value: php ============= session.sid_bits_per_character ============= Local Value: 4 Master Value: 4 ============= session.sid_length ============= Local Value: 32 Master Value: 32 ============= session.upload_progress.cleanup ============= Local Value: On Master Value: On ============= session.upload_progress.enabled ============= Local Value: On Master Value: On ============= session.upload_progress.freq ============= Local Value: 1% Master Value: 1% ============= session.upload_progress.min_freq ============= Local Value: 1 Master Value: 1 ============= session.upload_progress.name ============= Local Value: PHP_SESSION_UPLOAD_PROGRESS Master Value: PHP_SESSION_UPLOAD_PROGRESS ============= session.upload_progress.prefix ============= Local Value: upload_progress_ Master Value: upload_progress_ ============= session.use_cookies ============= Local Value: 1 Master Value: 1 ============= session.use_only_cookies ============= Local Value: 1 Master Value: 1 ============= session.use_strict_mode ============= Local Value: 0 Master Value: 0 ============= session.use_trans_sid ============= Local Value: 0 Master Value: 0 ============= SimpleXML ============= SimpleXML support: enabled Schema support: enabled ============= soap ============= Soap Client: enabled Soap Server: enabled ============= soap.wsdl_cache ============= Local Value: 1 Master Value: 1 ============= soap.wsdl_cache_dir ============= Local Value: /tmp Master Value: /tmp ============= soap.wsdl_cache_enabled ============= Local Value: 1 Master Value: 1 ============= soap.wsdl_cache_limit ============= Local Value: 5 Master Value: 5 ============= soap.wsdl_cache_ttl ============= Local Value: 86400 Master Value: 86400 ============= sockets ============= Sockets Support: enabled ============= sodium ============= sodium support: enabled libsodium headers version: 1.0.16 libsodium library version: 1.0.16 ============= SPL ============= SPL support: enabled Interfaces: OuterIterator, RecursiveIterator, SeekableIterator, SplObserver, SplSubject Classes: AppendIterator, ArrayIterator, ArrayObject, BadFunctionCallException, BadMethodCallException, CachingIterator, CallbackFilterIterator, DirectoryIterator, DomainException, EmptyIterator, FilesystemIterator, FilterIterator, GlobIterator, InfiniteIterator, InvalidArgumentException, IteratorIterator, LengthException, LimitIterator, LogicException, MultipleIterator, NoRewindIterator, OutOfBoundsException, OutOfRangeException, OverflowException, ParentIterator, RangeException, RecursiveArrayIterator, RecursiveCachingIterator, RecursiveCallbackFilterIterator, RecursiveDirectoryIterator, RecursiveFilterIterator, RecursiveIteratorIterator, RecursiveRegexIterator, RecursiveTreeIterator, RegexIterator, RuntimeException, SplDoublyLinkedList, SplFileInfo, SplFileObject, SplFixedArray, SplHeap, SplMinHeap, SplMaxHeap, SplObjectStorage, SplPriorityQueue, SplQueue, SplStack, SplTempFileObject, UnderflowException, UnexpectedValueException ============= sqlite3 ============= SQLite3 support: enabled SQLite Library: 3.22.0 ============= sqlite3.extension_dir ============= Local Value: no value Master Value: no value ============= standard ============= Dynamic Library Support: enabled Path to sendmail: xxxxxx ============= assert.active ============= Local Value: 1 Master Value: 1 ============= assert.bail ============= Local Value: 0 Master Value: 0 ============= assert.callback ============= Local Value: no value Master Value: no value ============= assert.exception ============= Local Value: 0 Master Value: 0 ============= assert.quiet_eval ============= Local Value: 0 Master Value: 0 ============= assert.warning ============= Local Value: 1 Master Value: 1 ============= auto_detect_line_endings ============= Local Value: 0 Master Value: 0 ============= default_socket_timeout ============= Local Value: 60 Master Value: 60 ============= from ============= Local Value: no value Master Value: no value ============= session.trans_sid_hosts ============= Local Value: no value Master Value: no value ============= session.trans_sid_tags ============= Local Value: a=href, area=href, frame=src, form= Master Value: a=href, area=href, frame=src, form= ============= unserialize_max_depth ============= Local Value: 4096 Master Value: 4096 ============= url_rewriter.hosts ============= Local Value: no value Master Value: no value ============= url_rewriter.tags ============= Local Value: form= Master Value: form= ============= user_agent ============= Local Value: no value Master Value: no value ============= tokenizer ============= Tokenizer Support: enabled ============= xml ============= XML Support: active XML Namespace Support: active libxml2 Version: 2.9.4 ============= xmlreader ============= XMLReader: enabled ============= xmlrpc ============= core library version: xmlrpc-epi v. 0.51 author: Dan Libby homepage: http://xmlrpc-epi.sourceforge.net open sourced by: Epinions.com ============= xmlwriter ============= XMLWriter: enabled ============= xsl ============= XSL: enabled libxslt Version: 1.1.29 libxslt compiled against libxml Version: 2.9.4 EXSLT: enabled libexslt Version: 1.1.29 ============= Zend OPcache ============= Opcode Caching: Up and Running Optimization: Enabled SHM Cache: Enabled File Cache: Disabled Startup: OK Shared memory model: mmap Cache hits: 1225 Cache misses: 1141 Used memory: 8350480 Free memory: 38128 Wasted memory: 0 Interned Strings Used memory: 1317728 Interned Strings Free memory: 254688 Cached scripts: 288 Cached keys: 352 Max keys: 3907 OOM restarts: 0 Hash keys restarts: 0 Manual restarts: 0 ============= opcache.blacklist_filename ============= Local Value: no value Master Value: no value ============= opcache.consistency_checks ============= Local Value: 0 Master Value: 0 ============= opcache.dups_fix ============= Local Value: Off Master Value: Off ============= opcache.enable ============= Local Value: On Master Value: On ============= opcache.enable_cli ============= Local Value: Off Master Value: Off ============= opcache.enable_file_override ============= Local Value: Off Master Value: Off ============= opcache.error_log ============= Local Value: no value Master Value: no value ============= opcache.file_cache ============= Local Value: no value Master Value: no value ============= opcache.file_cache_consistency_checks ============= Local Value: 1 Master Value: 1 ============= opcache.file_cache_only ============= Local Value: 0 Master Value: 0 ============= opcache.file_update_protection ============= Local Value: 2 Master Value: 2 ============= opcache.force_restart_timeout ============= Local Value: 180 Master Value: 180 ============= opcache.huge_code_pages ============= Local Value: Off Master Value: Off ============= opcache.interned_strings_buffer ============= Local Value: 2 Master Value: 2 ============= opcache.lockfile_path ============= Local Value: /tmp Master Value: /tmp ============= opcache.log_verbosity_level ============= Local Value: 1 Master Value: 1 ============= opcache.max_accelerated_files ============= Local Value: 3907 Master Value: 3907 ============= opcache.max_file_size ============= Local Value: 0 Master Value: 0 ============= opcache.max_wasted_percentage ============= Local Value: 5 Master Value: 5 ============= opcache.memory_consumption ============= Local Value: 4 Master Value: 4 ============= opcache.opt_debug_level ============= Local Value: 0 Master Value: 0 ============= opcache.optimization_level ============= Local Value: 0x7FFEBFFF Master Value: 0x7FFEBFFF ============= opcache.preferred_memory_model ============= Local Value: no value Master Value: no value ============= opcache.preload ============= Local Value: no value Master Value: no value ============= opcache.preload_user ============= Local Value: no value Master Value: no value ============= opcache.protect_memory ============= Local Value: 0 Master Value: 0 ============= opcache.restrict_api ============= Local Value: no value Master Value: no value ============= opcache.revalidate_freq ============= Local Value: 2 Master Value: 2 ============= opcache.revalidate_path ============= Local Value: Off Master Value: Off ============= opcache.save_comments ============= Local Value: 1 Master Value: 1 ============= opcache.use_cwd ============= Local Value: On Master Value: On ============= opcache.validate_permission ============= Local Value: Off Master Value: Off ============= opcache.validate_root ============= Local Value: Off Master Value: Off ============= opcache.validate_timestamps ============= Local Value: On Master Value: On ============= zip ============= Zip: enabled Zip version: 1.15.6 Libzip version: 1.1.2 ============= zlib ============= ZLib Support: enabled Stream Wrapper: compress.zlib:// Stream Filter: zlib.inflate, zlib.deflate Compiled Version: 1.2.11 Linked Version: 1.2.11 ============= zlib.output_compression ============= Local Value: Off Master Value: Off ============= zlib.output_compression_level ============= Local Value: -1 Master Value: -1 ============= zlib.output_handler ============= Local Value: no value Master Value: no value ============= Extensions ============= ============= com_mailto ============= name: com_mailto type: component state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: April 2006 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= com_wrapper ============= name: com_wrapper type: component state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: April 2006 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= com_admin ============= name: com_admin type: component state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: April 2006 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= com_banners ============= name: com_banners type: component state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: April 2006 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= com_cache ============= name: com_cache type: component state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: April 2006 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= com_categories ============= name: com_categories type: component state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: December 2007 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= com_checkin ============= name: com_checkin type: component state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: April 2006 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= com_contact ============= name: com_contact type: component state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: April 2006 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= com_cpanel ============= name: com_cpanel type: component state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: April 2006 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= com_installer ============= name: com_installer type: component state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: April 2006 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= com_languages ============= name: com_languages type: component state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: April 2006 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= com_login ============= name: com_login type: component state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: April 2006 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= com_media ============= name: com_media type: component state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: April 2006 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= com_menus ============= name: com_menus type: component state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: April 2006 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= com_messages ============= name: com_messages type: component state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: April 2006 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= com_modules ============= name: com_modules type: component state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: April 2006 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= com_newsfeeds ============= name: com_newsfeeds type: component state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: April 2006 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= com_plugins ============= name: com_plugins type: component state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: April 2006 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= com_search ============= name: com_search type: component state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: April 2006 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= com_templates ============= name: com_templates type: component state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: April 2006 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= com_weblinks ============= name: com_weblinks type: component state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.6.0 creationDate: 2017-03-08 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= com_content ============= name: com_content type: component state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: April 2006 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= com_config ============= name: com_config type: component state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: April 2006 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= com_redirect ============= name: com_redirect type: component state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: April 2006 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= com_users ============= name: com_users type: component state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: April 2006 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= com_finder ============= name: com_finder type: component state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: August 2011 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= com_joomlaupdate ============= name: com_joomlaupdate type: component state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.6.2 creationDate: February 2012 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= com_tags ============= name: com_tags type: component state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.1.0 creationDate: December 2013 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= com_contenthistory ============= name: com_contenthistory type: component state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.2.0 creationDate: May 2013 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= com_ajax ============= name: com_ajax type: component state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.2.0 creationDate: August 2013 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= com_postinstall ============= name: com_postinstall type: component state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.2.0 creationDate: September 2013 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= com_fields ============= name: com_fields type: component state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.7.0 creationDate: March 2016 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= com_associations ============= name: com_associations type: component state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.7.0 creationDate: January 2017 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= com_privacy ============= name: com_privacy type: component state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.9.0 creationDate: May 2018 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= com_actionlogs ============= name: com_actionlogs type: component state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.9.0 creationDate: May 2018 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= LIB_PHPUTF8 ============= name: LIB_PHPUTF8 type: library state: Enabled author: Harry Fuecks version: 0.5 creationDate: 2006 authorUrl: http://sourceforge.net/projects/phputf8 ============= LIB_JOOMLA ============= name: LIB_JOOMLA type: library state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 13.1 creationDate: 2008 authorUrl: https://www.joomla.org ============= LIB_IDNA ============= name: LIB_IDNA type: library state: Enabled author: phlyLabs version: 0.8.0 creationDate: 2004 authorUrl: http://phlylabs.de ============= FOF ============= name: FOF type: library state: Enabled author: Nicholas K. Dionysopoulos / Akeeba Ltd version: 2.4.3 creationDate: 2015-04-22 13:15:32 authorUrl: https://www.akeebabackup.com ============= LIB_PHPASS ============= name: LIB_PHPASS type: library state: Enabled author: Solar Designer version: 0.3 creationDate: 2004-2006 authorUrl: http://www.openwall.com/phpass/ ============= mod_articles_archive ============= name: mod_articles_archive type: module state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: July 2006 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= mod_articles_latest ============= name: mod_articles_latest type: module state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: July 2004 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= mod_articles_popular ============= name: mod_articles_popular type: module state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: July 2006 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= mod_banners ============= name: mod_banners type: module state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: July 2006 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= mod_breadcrumbs ============= name: mod_breadcrumbs type: module state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: July 2006 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= mod_custom ============= name: mod_custom type: module state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: July 2004 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= mod_feed ============= name: mod_feed type: module state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: July 2005 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= mod_footer ============= name: mod_footer type: module state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: July 2006 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= mod_login ============= name: mod_login type: module state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: March 2005 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= mod_menu ============= name: mod_menu type: module state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: March 2006 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= mod_articles_news ============= name: mod_articles_news type: module state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: July 2006 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= mod_random_image ============= name: mod_random_image type: module state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: July 2006 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= mod_related_items ============= name: mod_related_items type: module state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: July 2004 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= mod_search ============= name: mod_search type: module state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: July 2004 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= mod_stats ============= name: mod_stats type: module state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: July 2004 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= mod_syndicate ============= name: mod_syndicate type: module state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: May 2006 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= mod_users_latest ============= name: mod_users_latest type: module state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: December 2009 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= mod_weblinks ============= name: mod_weblinks type: module state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.6.0 creationDate: 2017-03-08 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= mod_whosonline ============= name: mod_whosonline type: module state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: July 2004 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= mod_wrapper ============= name: mod_wrapper type: module state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: October 2004 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= mod_articles_category ============= name: mod_articles_category type: module state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: February 2010 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= mod_articles_categories ============= name: mod_articles_categories type: module state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: February 2010 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= mod_languages ============= name: mod_languages type: module state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.5.0 creationDate: February 2010 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= mod_finder ============= name: mod_finder type: module state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: August 2011 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= mod_latest ============= name: mod_latest type: module state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: July 2004 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= mod_logged ============= name: mod_logged type: module state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: January 2005 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= mod_popular ============= name: mod_popular type: module state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: July 2004 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= mod_quickicon ============= name: mod_quickicon type: module state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: November 2005 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= mod_status ============= name: mod_status type: module state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: February 2006 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= mod_submenu ============= name: mod_submenu type: module state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: February 2006 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= mod_title ============= name: mod_title type: module state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: November 2005 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= mod_toolbar ============= name: mod_toolbar type: module state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: November 2005 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= mod_multilangstatus ============= name: mod_multilangstatus type: module state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: September 2011 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= mod_version ============= name: mod_version type: module state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: January 2012 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= mod_stats_admin ============= name: mod_stats_admin type: module state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: July 2004 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= mod_tags_popular ============= name: mod_tags_popular type: module state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.1.0 creationDate: January 2013 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= mod_tags_similar ============= name: mod_tags_similar type: module state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.1.0 creationDate: January 2013 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= mod_sampledata ============= name: mod_sampledata type: module state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.8.0 creationDate: July 2017 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= mod_latestactions ============= name: mod_latestactions type: module state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.9.0 creationDate: May 2018 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= mod_privacy_dashboard ============= name: mod_privacy_dashboard type: module state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.9.0 creationDate: June 2018 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_authentication_gmail ============= name: plg_authentication_gmail type: plugin state: Disabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: February 2006 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_authentication_joomla ============= name: plg_authentication_joomla type: plugin state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: November 2005 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_authentication_ldap ============= name: plg_authentication_ldap type: plugin state: Disabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: November 2005 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_content_contact ============= name: plg_content_contact type: plugin state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.2.2 creationDate: January 2014 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_content_emailcloak ============= name: plg_content_emailcloak type: plugin state: Disabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: November 2005 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_content_loadmodule ============= name: plg_content_loadmodule type: plugin state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: November 2005 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_content_pagebreak ============= name: plg_content_pagebreak type: plugin state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: November 2005 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_content_pagenavigation ============= name: plg_content_pagenavigation type: plugin state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: January 2006 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_content_vote ============= name: plg_content_vote type: plugin state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: November 2005 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_editors_codemirror ============= name: plg_editors_codemirror type: plugin state: Enabled author: Marijn Haverbeke version: 5.56.0 creationDate: 28 March 2011 authorUrl: https://codemirror.net/ ============= plg_editors_none ============= name: plg_editors_none type: plugin state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: September 2005 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_editors_tinymce ============= name: plg_editors_tinymce type: plugin state: Enabled author: Tiny Technologies, Inc version: 4.5.12 creationDate: 2005-2020 authorUrl: https://www.tiny.cloud ============= plg_editors-xtd_article ============= name: plg_editors-xtd_article type: plugin state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: October 2009 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_editors-xtd_image ============= name: plg_editors-xtd_image type: plugin state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: August 2004 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_editors-xtd_pagebreak ============= name: plg_editors-xtd_pagebreak type: plugin state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: August 2004 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_editors-xtd_readmore ============= name: plg_editors-xtd_readmore type: plugin state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: March 2006 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_search_categories ============= name: plg_search_categories type: plugin state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: November 2005 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_search_contacts ============= name: plg_search_contacts type: plugin state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: November 2005 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_search_content ============= name: plg_search_content type: plugin state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: November 2005 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_search_newsfeeds ============= name: plg_search_newsfeeds type: plugin state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: November 2005 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_search_weblinks ============= name: plg_search_weblinks type: plugin state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.6.0 creationDate: 2017-03-08 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_system_languagefilter ============= name: plg_system_languagefilter type: plugin state: Disabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: July 2010 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_system_p3p ============= name: plg_system_p3p type: plugin state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: September 2010 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_system_cache ============= name: plg_system_cache type: plugin state: Disabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: February 2007 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_system_debug ============= name: plg_system_debug type: plugin state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: December 2006 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_system_log ============= name: plg_system_log type: plugin state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: April 2007 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_system_redirect ============= name: plg_system_redirect type: plugin state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: April 2009 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_system_remember ============= name: plg_system_remember type: plugin state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: April 2007 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_system_sef ============= name: plg_system_sef type: plugin state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: December 2007 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_system_logout ============= name: plg_system_logout type: plugin state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: April 2009 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_user_contactcreator ============= name: plg_user_contactcreator type: plugin state: Disabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: August 2009 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_user_joomla ============= name: plg_user_joomla type: plugin state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: December 2006 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_user_profile ============= name: plg_user_profile type: plugin state: Disabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: January 2008 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_extension_joomla ============= name: plg_extension_joomla type: plugin state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: May 2010 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_content_joomla ============= name: plg_content_joomla type: plugin state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: November 2010 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_system_languagecode ============= name: plg_system_languagecode type: plugin state: Disabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: November 2011 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_quickicon_joomlaupdate ============= name: plg_quickicon_joomlaupdate type: plugin state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: August 2011 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_quickicon_extensionupdate ============= name: plg_quickicon_extensionupdate type: plugin state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: August 2011 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_captcha_recaptcha ============= name: plg_captcha_recaptcha type: plugin state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.4.0 creationDate: December 2011 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_system_highlight ============= name: plg_system_highlight type: plugin state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: August 2011 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_content_finder ============= name: plg_content_finder type: plugin state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: December 2011 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_finder_categories ============= name: plg_finder_categories type: plugin state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: August 2011 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_finder_contacts ============= name: plg_finder_contacts type: plugin state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: August 2011 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_finder_content ============= name: plg_finder_content type: plugin state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: August 2011 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_finder_newsfeeds ============= name: plg_finder_newsfeeds type: plugin state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: August 2011 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_finder_weblinks ============= name: plg_finder_weblinks type: plugin state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.6.0 creationDate: 2017-03-08 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_finder_tags ============= name: plg_finder_tags type: plugin state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: February 2013 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_twofactorauth_totp ============= name: plg_twofactorauth_totp type: plugin state: Disabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.2.0 creationDate: August 2013 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_authentication_cookie ============= name: plg_authentication_cookie type: plugin state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: July 2013 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_twofactorauth_yubikey ============= name: plg_twofactorauth_yubikey type: plugin state: Disabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.2.0 creationDate: September 2013 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_search_tags ============= name: plg_search_tags type: plugin state: Disabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.0.0 creationDate: March 2014 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_system_updatenotification ============= name: plg_system_updatenotification type: plugin state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.5.0 creationDate: May 2015 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_editors-xtd_module ============= name: plg_editors-xtd_module type: plugin state: Disabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.5.0 creationDate: October 2015 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_system_stats ============= name: plg_system_stats type: plugin state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.5.0 creationDate: November 2013 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_installer_packageinstaller ============= name: plg_installer_packageinstaller type: plugin state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.6.0 creationDate: May 2016 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= PLG_INSTALLER_FOLDERINSTALLER ============= name: PLG_INSTALLER_FOLDERINSTALLER type: plugin state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.6.0 creationDate: May 2016 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= PLG_INSTALLER_URLINSTALLER ============= name: PLG_INSTALLER_URLINSTALLER type: plugin state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.6.0 creationDate: May 2016 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_quickicon_phpversioncheck ============= name: plg_quickicon_phpversioncheck type: plugin state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.7.0 creationDate: August 2016 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_editors-xtd_menu ============= name: plg_editors-xtd_menu type: plugin state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.7.0 creationDate: August 2016 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_editors-xtd_contact ============= name: plg_editors-xtd_contact type: plugin state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.7.0 creationDate: October 2016 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_system_fields ============= name: plg_system_fields type: plugin state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.7.0 creationDate: March 2016 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_fields_calendar ============= name: plg_fields_calendar type: plugin state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.7.0 creationDate: March 2016 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_fields_checkboxes ============= name: plg_fields_checkboxes type: plugin state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.7.0 creationDate: March 2016 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_fields_color ============= name: plg_fields_color type: plugin state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.7.0 creationDate: March 2016 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_fields_editor ============= name: plg_fields_editor type: plugin state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.7.0 creationDate: March 2016 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_fields_imagelist ============= name: plg_fields_imagelist type: plugin state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.7.0 creationDate: March 2016 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_fields_integer ============= name: plg_fields_integer type: plugin state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.7.0 creationDate: March 2016 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_fields_list ============= name: plg_fields_list type: plugin state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.7.0 creationDate: March 2016 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_fields_media ============= name: plg_fields_media type: plugin state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.7.0 creationDate: March 2016 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_fields_radio ============= name: plg_fields_radio type: plugin state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.7.0 creationDate: March 2016 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_fields_sql ============= name: plg_fields_sql type: plugin state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.7.0 creationDate: March 2016 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_fields_text ============= name: plg_fields_text type: plugin state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.7.0 creationDate: March 2016 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_fields_textarea ============= name: plg_fields_textarea type: plugin state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.7.0 creationDate: March 2016 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_fields_url ============= name: plg_fields_url type: plugin state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.7.0 creationDate: March 2016 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_fields_user ============= name: plg_fields_user type: plugin state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.7.0 creationDate: March 2016 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_fields_usergrouplist ============= name: plg_fields_usergrouplist type: plugin state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.7.0 creationDate: March 2016 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_content_fields ============= name: plg_content_fields type: plugin state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.7.0 creationDate: February 2017 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_editors-xtd_fields ============= name: plg_editors-xtd_fields type: plugin state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.7.0 creationDate: February 2017 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_sampledata_blog ============= name: plg_sampledata_blog type: plugin state: Disabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.8.0 creationDate: July 2017 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_system_sessiongc ============= name: plg_system_sessiongc type: plugin state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.8.6 creationDate: February 2018 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_fields_repeatable ============= name: plg_fields_repeatable type: plugin state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.9.0 creationDate: April 2018 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_content_confirmconsent ============= name: plg_content_confirmconsent type: plugin state: Disabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.9.0 creationDate: May 2018 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= PLG_SYSTEM_ACTIONLOGS ============= name: PLG_SYSTEM_ACTIONLOGS type: plugin state: Disabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.9.0 creationDate: May 2018 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= PLG_ACTIONLOG_JOOMLA ============= name: PLG_ACTIONLOG_JOOMLA type: plugin state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.9.0 creationDate: May 2018 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_system_privacyconsent ============= name: plg_system_privacyconsent type: plugin state: Disabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.9.0 creationDate: April 2018 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_system_logrotation ============= name: plg_system_logrotation type: plugin state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.9.0 creationDate: May 2018 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_privacy_user ============= name: plg_privacy_user type: plugin state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.9.0 creationDate: May 2018 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_quickicon_privacycheck ============= name: plg_quickicon_privacycheck type: plugin state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.9.0 creationDate: June 2018 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_user_terms ============= name: plg_user_terms type: plugin state: Disabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.9.0 creationDate: June 2018 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_privacy_contact ============= name: plg_privacy_contact type: plugin state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.9.0 creationDate: July 2018 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_privacy_content ============= name: plg_privacy_content type: plugin state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.9.0 creationDate: July 2018 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_privacy_message ============= name: plg_privacy_message type: plugin state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.9.0 creationDate: July 2018 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_privacy_actionlogs ============= name: plg_privacy_actionlogs type: plugin state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.9.0 creationDate: July 2018 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_captcha_recaptcha_invisible ============= name: plg_captcha_recaptcha_invisible type: plugin state: Disabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.8 creationDate: November 2017 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_privacy_consents ============= name: plg_privacy_consents type: plugin state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.9.0 creationDate: July 2018 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= beez3 ============= name: beez3 type: template state: Enabled author: Angie Radtke version: 3.1.0 creationDate: 25 November 2009 authorUrl: http://www.der-auftritt.de ============= hathor ============= name: hathor type: template state: Enabled author: Andrea Tarr version: 3.0.0 creationDate: May 2010 authorUrl: ============= protostar ============= name: protostar type: template state: Enabled author: Kyle Ledbetter version: 1.0 creationDate: 4/30/2012 authorUrl: ============= isis ============= name: isis type: template state: Enabled author: Kyle Ledbetter version: 1.0 creationDate: 3/30/2012 authorUrl: ============= English (en-GB) ============= name: English (en-GB) type: language state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.9.22 creationDate: October 2020 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= files_joomla ============= name: files_joomla type: file state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.9.22 creationDate: October 2020 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= pkg_weblinks ============= name: pkg_weblinks type: package state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 3.6.0 creationDate: 2017-03-08 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= English (en-GB) Language Pack ============= name: English (en-GB) Language Pack type: package state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: creationDate: October 2020 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= plg_installer_webinstaller ============= name: plg_installer_webinstaller type: plugin state: Enabled author: Joomla! Project version: 1.0.5 creationDate: 18 December 2013 authorUrl: www.joomla.org ============= Editor - JoomlaCK ============= name: Editor - JoomlaCK type: plugin state: Enabled author: WebxSolution Ltd version: 6.5.5 creationDate: January 2014 authorUrl: ============= System - JCK Modal ============= name: System - JCK Modal type: plugin state: Disabled author: WebxSolution Ltd version: 1.1 creationDate: April 2011 authorUrl: www.webxsolution.com ============= com_jckman ============= name: com_jckman type: component state: Enabled author: Andrew Williams version: 6.4 creationDate: Jan 2014 authorUrl: ============= jcksuite ============= name: jcksuite type: package state: Enabled author: Andrew Williams version: 6.5.5 creationDate: January 2014 authorUrl: ============= System - JCK Typography ============= name: System - JCK Typography type: plugin state: Enabled author: version: creationDate: authorUrl: ============= plg_editors_jce ============= name: plg_editors_jce type: plugin state: Enabled author: Ryan Demmer version: creationDate: 12 December 2013 authorUrl: http://www.joomlacontenteditor.net ============= plg_quickicon_jcefilebrowser ============= name: plg_quickicon_jcefilebrowser type: plugin state: Enabled author: Ryan Demmer version: creationDate: 12 December 2013 authorUrl: www.joomalcontenteditor.net ============= jce ============= name: jce type: component state: Enabled author: Ryan Demmer version: creationDate: 12 December 2013 authorUrl: www.joomlacontenteditor.net ============= Hot Image Slider ============= name: Hot Image Slider type: module state: Enabled author: HotJoomlaTemplates.com version: 3.1.1 creationDate: 2009-12-06 authorUrl: http://www.hotjoomlatemplates.com ============= HD-Background Selector ============= name: HD-Background Selector type: module state: Enabled author: Hyde-Design version: 1.3 creationDate: February 2013 authorUrl: www.hyde-design.co.uk ============= Images Crawler ============= name: Images Crawler type: module state: Enabled author: Jesus Vargas version: 2.1 creationDate: Jun 2009 authorUrl: chuzky@gmail.com ============= MOD_OSDONATE ============= name: MOD_OSDONATE type: module state: Enabled author: OSTraining version: 1.1.3 creationDate: December 17, 2013 authorUrl: http://www.ostraining.com ============= Akeeba ============= name: Akeeba type: component state: Enabled author: Nicholas K. Dionysopoulos version: creationDate: 2020-09-21 authorUrl: https://www.akeeba.com ============= AkeebaStrapper ============= name: AkeebaStrapper type: file state: Enabled author: Nicholas K. Dionysopoulos version: 2.5.4 creationDate: 2016-03-19 authorUrl: https://www.akeebabackup.com ============= com_brite ============= name: com_brite type: package state: Enabled author: Beyounic SA version: 1.3 creationDate: September 2012 authorUrl: http://www.combriteapp.com/ ============= ChronoForms5 ============= name: ChronoForms5 type: module state: Enabled author: ChronoEngine.com version: V5 RC1.2 creationDate: December 2013 authorUrl: www.chronoengine.com ============= AllVideos (by JoomlaWorks) ============= name: AllVideos (by JoomlaWorks) type: plugin state: Disabled author: JoomlaWorks version: 4.5.0 creationDate: February 27th, 2013 authorUrl: www.joomlaworks.net ============= jevents ============= name: jevents type: package state: Enabled author: Geraint Edwards version: 3.1.17 creationDate: February 2014 authorUrl: www.gwesystems.com ============= JEvents Calendar ============= name: JEvents Calendar type: module state: Enabled author: GWE Systems Ltd version: 3.1.17 creationDate: January 2014 authorUrl: http://www.jevents.net ============= JEvents Legend ============= name: JEvents Legend type: module state: Enabled author: GWE Systems Ltd version: 3.1.17 creationDate: January 2014 authorUrl: http://www.jevents.net ============= JEvents Latest Events ============= name: JEvents Latest Events type: module state: Enabled author: GWE Systems Ltd version: 3.1.17 creationDate: January 2014 authorUrl: http://www.jevents.net ============= JEvents Filter ============= name: JEvents Filter type: module state: Enabled author: GWE Systems Ltd version: 3.1.17 creationDate: January 2014 authorUrl: http://www.jevents.net ============= JEvents CustomModule ============= name: JEvents CustomModule type: module state: Enabled author: GWE Systems Ltd version: 3.1.17 creationDate: Unknown authorUrl: http://www.jevents.net ============= JEvents View Switcher ============= name: JEvents View Switcher type: module state: Enabled author: GWE Systems Ltd version: 3.1.17 creationDate: January 2014 authorUrl: http://www.jevents.net ============= plg_finder_jevents ============= name: plg_finder_jevents type: plugin state: Disabled author: Geraint Edwards version: 3.1.17 creationDate: January 2014 authorUrl: www.gwesystems.com ============= Search - JEvents ============= name: Search - JEvents type: plugin state: Enabled author: JEvents Project Group version: 3.1.17 creationDate: January 2014 authorUrl: www.jevents.net ============= googl Shortener ============= name: googl Shortener type: library state: Enabled author: Sebastian Wyder package by Carlos Camara version: 3.1.17 creationDate: Februrary 2014 authorUrl: www.gwesystems.com ============= YouTube Plugin ============= name: YouTube Plugin type: plugin state: Enabled author: Benjamin Golding version: 1.1 creationDate: Jan 2013 authorUrl: joomlacode.org/gf/project/youtubeplugin/ ============= Easy Joomla PayPal Payment / Donations Module ============= name: Easy Joomla PayPal Payment / Donations Module type: module state: Enabled author: DART Creations version: 2.5.0 creationDate: April 2012 authorUrl: http://www.dart-creations.com ============= SP Social ============= name: SP Social type: module state: Enabled author: JoomShaper.com version: 1.0.2 creationDate: Oct 2012 authorUrl: www.joomshaper.com ============= S5 Image Fader v3 ============= name: S5 Image Fader v3 type: module state: Enabled author: Shape5.com version: 3.0.0 creationDate: October 2007 authorUrl: www.shape5.com ============= S5 Image and Content Fader v3 ============= name: S5 Image and Content Fader v3 type: module state: Enabled author: Shape5.com version: 3.2.0 creationDate: July 2010 authorUrl: www.shape5.com ============= Content - Load Module in Article ============= name: Content - Load Module in Article type: plugin state: Disabled author: Carsten Engel version: 3.0.0 creationDate: april 2013 authorUrl: www.pages-and-items.com ============= pdf_embed ============= name: pdf_embed type: plugin state: Enabled author: TechJoomla version: 2.0 creationDate: 14th May 2013 authorUrl: http://techjoomla.com ============= extplorer ============= name: extplorer type: component state: Enabled author: soeren, QuiX Project version: 2.1.5 creationDate: 19.12.2013 authorUrl: http://extplorer.net/ ============= S5 News Ticker ============= name: S5 News Ticker type: module state: Enabled author: Shape5.com version: 2.0.0 creationDate: July 2008 authorUrl: www.shape5.com ============= ARTICLES_PLACED_ANYWHERE ============= name: ARTICLES_PLACED_ANYWHERE type: module state: Enabled author: Ian MacLennan/Alan Hartless version: 1.1.6 creationDate: February 2008/July 2012 authorUrl: ============= plg_system_mobiletemplate ============= name: plg_system_mobiletemplate type: plugin state: Disabled author: nhuang version: 1.2.0 creationDate: 2014-4-9 authorUrl: http://www.nhuang.com ============= mobiletemplate ============= name: mobiletemplate type: package state: Enabled author: nhuang version: 1.2.0 creationDate: June 2013 authorUrl: http://nhuang.com ============= mod_jckquickicon ============= name: mod_jckquickicon type: module state: Enabled author: version: creationDate: authorUrl: ============= _jw_allvideos ============= name: _jw_allvideos type: plugin state: Enabled author: JoomlaWorks version: 4.5.0 creationDate: February 27th, 2013 authorUrl: www.joomlaworks.net ============= System - Google Analytics ============= name: System - Google Analytics type: plugin state: Enabled author: Peter Bui version: 4.6.1 creationDate: 19th April 2010 authorUrl: http://pbwebdev.com ============= Content - Easy Open Graph ============= name: Content - Easy Open Graph type: plugin state: Disabled author: E-max version: 1.1.5 creationDate: Apr 2017 authorUrl: https://e-max.it ============= plg_system_directalias ============= name: plg_system_directalias type: plugin state: Enabled author: AlterBrains version: 2.1.0 creationDate: 09/10/2020 authorUrl: http://alterbrains.com ============= joomspirit_99 ============= name: joomspirit_99 type: template state: Enabled author: JoomSpirit version: 2.4 creationDate: 15/05/2014 authorUrl: http://www.joomspirit.com ============= ClassyHome3 ============= name: ClassyHome3 type: template state: Enabled author: xs version: 1.0.1 creationDate: 31-10-2014 authorUrl: http://www.xswebdesign.com ============= JW_PLG_TS_XML_TITLE ============= name: JW_PLG_TS_XML_TITLE type: plugin state: Enabled author: Joomlashack version: 4.2.5 creationDate: July 30 2019 authorUrl: http://www.joomlashack.com ============= plg_quickicon_akeebabackup ============= name: plg_quickicon_akeebabackup type: plugin state: Enabled author: Nicholas K. Dionysopoulos version: creationDate: 2020-09-21 authorUrl: https://www.akeeba.com ============= PLG_SYSTEM_AKEEBAUPDATECHECK ============= name: PLG_SYSTEM_AKEEBAUPDATECHECK type: plugin state: Disabled author: Nicholas K. Dionysopoulos version: 7.3.0 creationDate: 2020-09-02 authorUrl: https://www.akeeba.com ============= PLG_SYSTEM_BACKUPONUPDATE ============= name: PLG_SYSTEM_BACKUPONUPDATE type: plugin state: Enabled author: Nicholas K. Dionysopoulos version: creationDate: 2020-09-21 authorUrl: https://www.akeeba.com ============= J2 Store Cart ============= name: J2 Store Cart type: module state: Enabled author: Sasi varna kumar version: 1.0 creationDate: Jan 2015 authorUrl: http://j2store.org ============= F0F (NEW) DO NOT REMOVE ============= name: F0F (NEW) DO NOT REMOVE type: library state: Enabled author: Nicholas K. Dionysopoulos / Akeeba Ltd version: revAA17947 creationDate: 2016-04-01 authorUrl: https://www.akeebabackup.com ============= plg_system_ossystem ============= name: plg_system_ossystem type: plugin state: Enabled author: Joomlashack version: 1.3.1 creationDate: April 27 2020 authorUrl: https://www.joomlashack.com ============= Simple File Upload (v1.4-J!3) ============= name: Simple File Upload (v1.4-J!3) type: module state: Enabled author: Anders Wasen version: 1.4 creationDate: June 2015 authorUrl: wasen.net ============= Left right image slideshow ============= name: Left right image slideshow type: module state: Enabled author: Gopi Ramasamy version: 3.6 creationDate: August 2016 authorUrl: http://www.gopiplus.com/extensions/2011/07/left-right-image-slideshow-joomla-module/ ============= plg_system_regularlabs ============= name: plg_system_regularlabs type: plugin state: Enabled author: Regular Labs (Peter van Westen) version: 20.9.14360 creationDate: September 2020 authorUrl: https://www.regularlabs.com ============= plg_editors-xtd_modulesanywhere ============= name: plg_editors-xtd_modulesanywhere type: plugin state: Enabled author: Regular Labs (Peter van Westen) version: 7.11.2 creationDate: September 2020 authorUrl: https://www.regularlabs.com ============= plg_system_modulesanywhere ============= name: plg_system_modulesanywhere type: plugin state: Enabled author: Regular Labs (Peter van Westen) version: 7.11.2 creationDate: September 2020 authorUrl: https://www.regularlabs.com ============= jp-fenya ============= name: jp-fenya type: template state: Enabled author: JoomlaPlates version: 1.0.003 creationDate: Dez 2015 authorUrl: http://www.JoomlaPlates ============= sitemapfaster ============= name: sitemapfaster type: component state: Enabled author: Sandro version: 4.0.0 creationDate: Mai 2014 authorUrl: http://www.actiaweb.com ============= file_fef ============= name: file_fef type: file state: Enabled author: Nicholas K. Dionysopoulos version: 1.1.0 creationDate: 2020-09-02 authorUrl: https://www.akeeba.com ============= plg_editors-xtd_modals ============= name: plg_editors-xtd_modals type: plugin state: Enabled author: Regular Labs (Peter van Westen) version: 11.6.2 creationDate: September 2020 authorUrl: https://www.regularlabs.com ============= plg_system_modals ============= name: plg_system_modals type: plugin state: Enabled author: Regular Labs (Peter van Westen) version: 11.6.2 creationDate: September 2020 authorUrl: https://www.regularlabs.com ============= plg_editors-xtd_conditionalcontent ============= name: plg_editors-xtd_conditionalcontent type: plugin state: Enabled author: Regular Labs (Peter van Westen) version: 2.8.2 creationDate: September 2020 authorUrl: https://www.regularlabs.com ============= plg_system_conditionalcontent ============= name: plg_system_conditionalcontent type: plugin state: Enabled author: Regular Labs (Peter van Westen) version: 2.8.2 creationDate: September 2020 authorUrl: https://www.regularlabs.com ============= JoomGallery ============= name: JoomGallery type: component state: Enabled author: JoomGallery::ProjectTeam version: 3.4.1 creationDate: 2020/07/01 authorUrl: https://www.joomgalleryfriends.net ============= mod_joomimg ============= name: mod_joomimg type: module state: Enabled author: JoomGallery::Project Team version: 3.4.1 creationDate: 2020/08/23 authorUrl: www.joomgalleryfriends.net ============= Migration Script from PhocaGallery 4 to JoomGallery 3 JUX ============= name: Migration Script from PhocaGallery 4 to JoomGallery 3 JUX type: file state: Enabled author: JoomGallery::ProjectTeam version: 3.0 creationDate: 2013/05/14 authorUrl: http://www.joomgallery.net ============= PLG_JOOMGALLERY_JOOMLIGHTBOX2 ============= name: PLG_JOOMGALLERY_JOOMLIGHTBOX2 type: plugin state: Enabled author: JoomGallery::ProjectTeam version: 3.2.0 creationDate: 2019/07/18 authorUrl: www.joomgalleryfriends.net ============= plg_joomgallery_joomlytebox ============= name: plg_joomgallery_joomlytebox type: plugin state: Enabled author: JoomGallery::Project Team version: 3.0.1 creationDate: 2019/04/12 authorUrl: www.joomgalleryfriends.net ============= PLG_JOOMGALLERY_JOOMFANCYBOX ============= name: PLG_JOOMGALLERY_JOOMFANCYBOX type: plugin state: Enabled author: fabrice jossa version: 3.1.1 creationDate: 2019/04/12 authorUrl: www.joomgalleryfriends.net ============= PLG_JOOMPLU ============= name: PLG_JOOMPLU type: plugin state: Enabled author: JoomGallery::ProjectTeam version: 3.2.0 creationDate: 2019/04/01 authorUrl: www.joomgalleryfriends.net ============= COM_GCHSREQUESTOFF ============= name: COM_GCHSREQUESTOFF type: component state: Enabled author: Thomas Deliduka version: 1.0.8 creationDate: February 2018 authorUrl: https://www.gchsbands.org ============= FOF30 ============= name: FOF30 type: library state: Enabled author: Nicholas K. Dionysopoulos / Akeeba Ltd version: 3.3.9 creationDate: 2018-12-07 authorUrl: https://www.akeebabackup.com ============= file_fof30 ============= name: file_fof30 type: file state: Enabled author: Nicholas K. Dionysopoulos / Akeeba Ltd version: 3.6.2 creationDate: 2020-07-14 authorUrl: https://www.akeeba.com ============= plg_editors-xtd_tooltips ============= name: plg_editors-xtd_tooltips type: plugin state: Enabled author: Regular Labs (Peter van Westen) version: 7.6.2 creationDate: September 2020 authorUrl: https://www.regularlabs.com ============= plg_system_tooltips ============= name: plg_system_tooltips type: plugin state: Enabled author: Regular Labs (Peter van Westen) version: 7.6.2 creationDate: September 2020 authorUrl: https://www.regularlabs.com ============= plg_system_emailprotector ============= name: plg_system_emailprotector type: plugin state: Enabled author: Regular Labs (Peter van Westen) version: 4.5.0 creationDate: September 2020 authorUrl: https://www.regularlabs.com ============= PLG_SYSTEM_OFFICIALFACEBOOKPIXEL ============= name: PLG_SYSTEM_OFFICIALFACEBOOKPIXEL type: plugin state: Enabled author: Facebook version: 1.0.3 creationDate: June 2018 authorUrl: www.facebook.com ============= plg_content_phocaopengraph ============= name: plg_content_phocaopengraph type: plugin state: Enabled author: Jan Pavelka (www.phoca.cz) version: 3.1.12 creationDate: 23/04/2020 authorUrl: https://www.phoca.cz ============= plg_system_phocaopengraph ============= name: plg_system_phocaopengraph type: plugin state: Enabled author: Jan Pavelka (www.phoca.cz) version: 3.0.8 creationDate: 07/06/2020 authorUrl: https://www.phoca.cz ============= PLG_ACTIONLOG_AKEEBABACKUP ============= name: PLG_ACTIONLOG_AKEEBABACKUP type: plugin state: Disabled author: Nicholas K. Dionysopoulos version: creationDate: 2020-09-21 authorUrl: https://www.akeeba.com ============= Akeeba Backup package ============= name: Akeeba Backup package type: package state: Enabled author: Nicholas K. Dionysopoulos version: creationDate: 2020-09-21 authorUrl: ============= Joomlashack Framework ============= name: Joomlashack Framework type: library state: Enabled author: Joomlashack version: 1.6.4 creationDate: November 09 2018 authorUrl: https://www.joomlashack.com ============= ChronoForms7 ============= name: ChronoForms7 type: component state: Enabled author: Chronoman version: 7.0.4 creationDate: 2020 authorUrl: www.chronoengine.com ============= ChronoG3_Plg ============= name: ChronoG3_Plg type: plugin state: Enabled author: chronoengine.com version: 1.0 creationDate: 2020 authorUrl: chronoengine.com ============= ChronoForms7 Package ============= name: ChronoForms7 Package type: package state: Enabled author: ChronoEngine.com Team version: 7.0.0 creationDate: May 2020 authorUrl: ============= Membership Plans ============= name: Membership Plans type: module state: Enabled author: Tuan Pham Ngoc version: 2.20.2 creationDate: Nov 2012 authorUrl: http://www.joomdonation.com ============= Membership Pro View ============= name: Membership Pro View type: module state: Enabled author: Tuan Pham Ngoc version: 2.20.2 creationDate: Nov 2012 authorUrl: http://www.joomdonation.com ============= Membership Status ============= name: Membership Status type: module state: Enabled author: Tuan Pham Ngoc version: 2.20.2 creationDate: Nov 2012 authorUrl: http://www.joomdonation.com ============= Content - Membership Plans ============= name: Content - Membership Plans type: plugin state: Disabled author: Tuan Pham Ngoc version: 2.20.2 creationDate: Nov 2012 authorUrl: http://www.joomdonation.com ============= Content - Membership Pro Content Restriction ============= name: Content - Membership Pro Content Restriction type: plugin state: Disabled author: Tuan Pham Ngoc version: 2.20.2 creationDate: Nov 2012 authorUrl: http://www.joomdonation.com ============= Content - Membership Restriction ============= name: Content - Membership Restriction type: plugin state: Disabled author: Tuan Pham Ngoc version: 2.20.2 creationDate: Nov 2012 authorUrl: http://www.joomdonation.com ============= Content - Membership Tags ============= name: Content - Membership Tags type: plugin state: Disabled author: Tuan Pham Ngoc version: 2.20.2 creationDate: April 2018 authorUrl: http://www.joomdonation.com ============= Membership Pro - AcyMailing 6 ============= name: Membership Pro - AcyMailing 6 type: plugin state: Disabled author: Tuan Pham Ngoc version: 2.20.2 creationDate: Feb 2019 authorUrl: http://www.joomdonation.com ============= Membership Pro - Acymailing ============= name: Membership Pro - Acymailing type: plugin state: Disabled author: Tuan Pham Ngoc version: 2.20.2 creationDate: Nov 2012 authorUrl: http://www.joomdonation.com ============= Membership Pro - CB ============= name: Membership Pro - CB type: plugin state: Disabled author: Tuan Pham Ngoc version: 2.20.2 creationDate: Nov 2012 authorUrl: http://www.joomdonation.com ============= Membership Pro - Joomsocial ============= name: Membership Pro - Joomsocial type: plugin state: Disabled author: Tuan Pham Ngoc version: 2.20.2 creationDate: Nov 2012 authorUrl: http://www.joomdonation.com ============= Membership Pro - Easysocial ============= name: Membership Pro - Easysocial type: plugin state: Disabled author: Tuan Pham Ngoc version: 2.20.2 creationDate: Nov 2012 authorUrl: http://www.joomdonation.com ============= Membership Pro - Joomla Groups ============= name: Membership Pro - Joomla Groups type: plugin state: Disabled author: Tuan Pham Ngoc version: 2.20.2 creationDate: Nov 2012 authorUrl: http://www.joomdonation.com ============= Membership Pro - Mailchimp ============= name: Membership Pro - Mailchimp type: plugin state: Disabled author: Tuan Pham Ngoc version: 2.13.2 creationDate: Nov 2012 authorUrl: http://www.joomdonation.com ============= Membership Pro - Events Booking Registration History ============= name: Membership Pro - Events Booking Registration History type: plugin state: Disabled author: Tuan Pham Ngoc version: 2.20.2 creationDate: Feb 2019 authorUrl: http://www.joomdonation.com ============= Membership Pro - Userprofile ============= name: Membership Pro - Userprofile type: plugin state: Disabled author: Tuan Pham Ngoc version: 2.20.2 creationDate: Nov 2012 authorUrl: http://www.joomdonation.com ============= Membership Pro - Group Membership Plugin ============= name: Membership Pro - Group Membership Plugin type: plugin state: Disabled author: Tuan Pham Ngoc version: 2.20.2 creationDate: Nov 2012 authorUrl: http://www.joomdonation.com ============= Membership Pro PHP Script ============= name: Membership Pro PHP Script type: plugin state: Disabled author: Tuan Pham Ngoc version: 2.20.2 creationDate: Nov 2012 authorUrl: http://www.joomdonation.com ============= Membership Pro - Easy Profile ============= name: Membership Pro - Easy Profile type: plugin state: Disabled author: Tuan Pham Ngoc version: 2.20.2 creationDate: Nov 2012 authorUrl: http://www.joomdonation.com ============= Membership Pro - K2 Groups ============= name: Membership Pro - K2 Groups type: plugin state: Disabled author: Tuan Pham Ngoc version: 2.20.2 creationDate: Apirl 2012 authorUrl: www.joomdonation.com ============= Membership Pro - Documents ============= name: Membership Pro - Documents type: plugin state: Disabled author: Tuan Pham Ngoc version: 2.20.2 creationDate: June 2016 authorUrl: http://www.joomdonation.com ============= Membership Pro - Limit Subscriptions ============= name: Membership Pro - Limit Subscriptions type: plugin state: Disabled author: Tuan Pham Ngoc version: 2.20.2 creationDate: July 2016 authorUrl: http://www.joomdonation.com ============= Membership Pro - Auto Subscribe ============= name: Membership Pro - Auto Subscribe type: plugin state: Disabled author: Tuan Pham Ngoc version: 2.20.2 creationDate: Nov 2012 authorUrl: http://www.joomdonation.com ============= Membership Pro - Virtuemart Shopper Groups ============= name: Membership Pro - Virtuemart Shopper Groups type: plugin state: Disabled author: Tuan Pham Ngoc version: 2.20.2 creationDate: March 2019 authorUrl: https://www.joomdonation.com ============= Membership Pro - Fields Assignment ============= name: Membership Pro - Fields Assignment type: plugin state: Disabled author: Tuan Pham Ngoc version: 3.10.3 creationDate: October 2019 authorUrl: www.joomdonation.com ============= User - Membership Pro ============= name: User - Membership Pro type: plugin state: Disabled author: Tuan Pham Ngoc version: 2.20.2 creationDate: Sept 2015 authorUrl: http://www.joomdonation.com ============= Membership Pro Articles Restriction ============= name: Membership Pro Articles Restriction type: plugin state: Disabled author: Tuan Pham Ngoc version: 2.20.2 creationDate: Nov 2012 authorUrl: http://www.joomdonation.com ============= System Membership Pro Cleaner ============= name: System Membership Pro Cleaner type: plugin state: Disabled author: Tuan Pham Ngoc version: 2.20.2 creationDate: Nov 2012 authorUrl: http://www.joomdonation.com ============= Membership Pro K2 items Restriction ============= name: Membership Pro K2 items Restriction type: plugin state: Disabled author: Tuan Pham Ngoc version: 2.20.2 creationDate: Nov 2012 authorUrl: http://www.joomdonation.com ============= Membership Pro Reminder ============= name: Membership Pro Reminder type: plugin state: Enabled author: Tuan Pham Ngoc version: 2.20.2 creationDate: Nov 2012 authorUrl: http://www.joomdonation.com ============= Membership Pro Update Subscribers status ============= name: Membership Pro Update Subscribers status type: plugin state: Enabled author: Tuan Pham Ngoc version: 2.20.2 creationDate: Nov 2012 authorUrl: http://www.joomdonation.com ============= Membership Pro URLs Restriction ============= name: Membership Pro URLs Restriction type: plugin state: Disabled author: Tuan Pham Ngoc version: 2.20.2 creationDate: Nov 2012 authorUrl: http://www.joomdonation.com ============= Membership Pro Registration Redirect ============= name: Membership Pro Registration Redirect type: plugin state: Disabled author: Tuan Pham Ngoc version: 2.20.2 creationDate: Nov 2012 authorUrl: http://www.joomdonation.com ============= System - Membership Pro ============= name: System - Membership Pro type: plugin state: Enabled author: Tuan Pham Ngoc version: 2.20.2 creationDate: July 2018 authorUrl: http://www.joomdonation.com ============= System - Membership Schedule Content ============= name: System - Membership Schedule Content type: plugin state: Disabled author: Tuan Pham Ngoc version: 2.20.2 creationDate: July 2016 authorUrl: http://www.joomdonation.com ============= System - Membership Schedule K2 Items ============= name: System - Membership Schedule K2 Items type: plugin state: Disabled author: Tuan Pham Ngoc version: 1.0.0 creationDate: Mar 2018 authorUrl: http://www.joomdonation.com ============= System - Membership Schedule SPPageBuilder ============= name: System - Membership Schedule SPPageBuilder type: plugin state: Disabled author: Tuan Pham Ngoc version: 2.20.2 creationDate: July 2016 authorUrl: http://www.joomdonation.com ============= Membership Pro SP Page Builder Restriction ============= name: Membership Pro SP Page Builder Restriction type: plugin state: Disabled author: Tuan Pham Ngoc version: 2.20.2 creationDate: December 2019 authorUrl: https://www.joomdonation.com ============= System - Membership Pro Offline Recurring Invoice ============= name: System - Membership Pro Offline Recurring Invoice type: plugin state: Disabled author: Tuan Pham Ngoc version: 2.16.2 creationDate: Nov 2012 authorUrl: http://www.joomdonation.com ============= Installer - Membership Pro ============= name: Installer - Membership Pro type: plugin state: Enabled author: Tuan Pham Ngoc version: 2.20.2 creationDate: August 2016 authorUrl: http://www.joomdonation.com ============= Action Log - Membership Pro ============= name: Action Log - Membership Pro type: plugin state: Disabled author: Tuan Pham Ngoc version: 2.20.2 creationDate: Feb 2020 authorUrl: www.joomdonation.com ============= PHPExcel Library ============= name: PHPExcel Library type: library state: Enabled author: Tuan Pham Ngoc version: 1.0.0 creationDate: Aguust 2016 authorUrl: http://www.joomdonation.com ============= com_osmembership ============= name: com_osmembership type: component state: Enabled author: Tuan Pham Ngoc version: 2.19.1 creationDate: May 2012 authorUrl: http://www.joomdonation.com ============= Membership Pro Package ============= name: Membership Pro Package type: package state: Enabled author: Tuan Pham Ngoc version: 2.20.2 creationDate: September 2012 authorUrl: http://www.joomdonation.com ============= EShop ============= name: EShop type: component state: Enabled author: Giang Dinh Truong version: 3.3.0 creationDate: May 2013 authorUrl: http://www.joomdonation.com ============= Omnipay ============= name: Omnipay type: library state: Enabled author: Tuan Pham Ngoc version: 1.1.0 creationDate: 01-01-2016 authorUrl: http://www.joomdonation.com ============= Eshop Advanced Search ============= name: Eshop Advanced Search type: module state: Enabled author: Giang Dinh Truong version: 1.3.3 creationDate: May 2013 authorUrl: http://www.joomdonation.com ============= Eshop Cart ============= name: Eshop Cart type: module state: Enabled author: Giang Dinh Truong version: 1.3.1 creationDate: May 2013 authorUrl: http://www.joomdonation.com ============= Eshop Category ============= name: Eshop Category type: module state: Enabled author: Giang Dinh Truong version: 1.3.1 creationDate: May 2013 authorUrl: http://www.joomdonation.com ============= Eshop Currency ============= name: Eshop Currency type: plugin state: Disabled author: Giang Dinh Truong version: 1.3.1 creationDate: May 2013 authorUrl: http://www.joomdonation.com ============= Eshop Manufacturer ============= name: Eshop Manufacturer type: module state: Enabled author: Giang Dinh Truong version: 1.3.1 creationDate: May 2013 authorUrl: http://www.joomdonation.com ============= Eshop Product ============= name: Eshop Product type: module state: Enabled author: Giang Dinh Truong version: 1.3.1 creationDate: May 2013 authorUrl: http://www.joomdonation.com ============= Eshop Products Filter ============= name: Eshop Products Filter type: module state: Enabled author: Giang Dinh Truong version: 2.5.0 creationDate: December 2016 authorUrl: http://www.joomdonation.com ============= Eshop Quote ============= name: Eshop Quote type: module state: Enabled author: Giang Dinh Truong version: 1.3.1 creationDate: May 2013 authorUrl: http://www.joomdonation.com ============= Eshop Search ============= name: Eshop Search type: module state: Enabled author: Giang Dinh Truong version: 1.3.3 creationDate: May 2013 authorUrl: http://www.joomdonation.com ============= EShop Tags ============= name: EShop Tags type: module state: Enabled author: Giang Dinh Truong version: 1.0.0 creationDate: June 2015 authorUrl: http://www.joomdonation.com ============= Eshop Category content plugin ============= name: Eshop Category content plugin type: plugin state: Disabled author: Ossolution Team version: 1.3.1 creationDate: Feb 2011 authorUrl: www.joomdonation.com ============= Eshop Notify ============= name: Eshop Notify type: plugin state: Disabled author: Giang Dinh Truong version: 1.0.0 creationDate: December 2015 authorUrl: http://www.joomdonation.com ============= Eshop Product content plugin ============= name: Eshop Product content plugin type: plugin state: Disabled author: Ossolution Team version: 1.3.1 creationDate: Feb 2011 authorUrl: www.joomdonation.com ============= Eshop Reminder ============= name: Eshop Reminder type: plugin state: Disabled author: Giang Dinh Truong version: 1.0.0 creationDate: February 2016 authorUrl: http://www.joomdonation.com ============= Installer - EShop ============= name: Installer - EShop type: plugin state: Enabled author: Giang Dinh Truong version: 2.3.0 creationDate: August 2016 authorUrl: http://www.joomdonation.com ============= EShop - AcyMailing 6 plugin ============= name: EShop - AcyMailing 6 plugin type: plugin state: Disabled author: Giang Dinh Truong version: 1.0.0 creationDate: May 2019 authorUrl: www.joomdonation.com ============= EShop - Also Bought plugin ============= name: EShop - Also Bought plugin type: plugin state: Disabled author: Giang Dinh Truong version: 1.0.0 creationDate: 05-15-2019 authorUrl: www.joomdonation.com ============= EShop - Membership Pro Plans plugin ============= name: EShop - Membership Pro Plans plugin type: plugin state: Disabled author: Giang Dinh Truong version: 1.0.0 creationDate: 03-08-2019 authorUrl: www.joomdonation.com ============= Membership Pro - Eshop Plugin ============= name: Membership Pro - Eshop Plugin type: plugin state: Disabled author: Ossolution Team version: 1.3.1 creationDate: July 2014 authorUrl: www.joomdonation.com ============= Search - EShop ============= name: Search - EShop type: plugin state: Disabled author: Giang Dinh Truong version: 1.3.1 creationDate: May 2013 authorUrl: http://www.joomdonation.com ============= User - Eshop plugin ============= name: User - Eshop plugin type: plugin state: Disabled author: Ossolution Team version: 1.3.1 creationDate: July 2014 authorUrl: www.joomdonation.com ============= EShop Package ============= name: EShop Package type: package state: Enabled author: Giang Dinh Truong version: 3.3.0 creationDate: May 2013 authorUrl: http://www.joomdonation.com ============= System - RokCandy ============= name: System - RokCandy type: plugin state: Enabled author: RocketTheme, LLC version: 2.0.4 creationDate: July 14, 2020 authorUrl: http://www.rockettheme.com ============= Button - RokCandy ============= name: Button - RokCandy type: plugin state: Enabled author: RocketTheme, LLC version: 2.0.4 creationDate: July 14, 2020 authorUrl: http://www.rockettheme.com ============= RokCandy ============= name: RokCandy type: component state: Enabled author: RocketTheme, LLC version: 2.0.4 creationDate: July 14, 2020 authorUrl: http://www.rockettheme.com ============= pkg_rokcandy ============= name: pkg_rokcandy type: package state: Enabled author: RocketTheme, LLC version: 2.0.4 creationDate: July 14, 2020 authorUrl: http://www.rockettheme.com ============= com_profiles ============= name: com_profiles type: component state: Enabled author: Mad4Media - Fahrettin Kutyol version: 1.5.0 creationDate: 2015-02-18 authorUrl: http://www.mad4media.de ============= com_phpmyjoomla ============= name: com_phpmyjoomla type: component state: Enabled author: Luis Orozco, Ruel Lastimado & Evonie Ytac version: 2.0.0 creationDate: Jan 2017 authorUrl: http://www.phpmyjoomla.com ============= Regular Labs Library ============= name: Regular Labs Library type: library state: Enabled author: Regular Labs (Peter van Westen) version: 20.9.14360 creationDate: September 2020 authorUrl: https://www.regularlabs.com