Beiträge von JoomGallery-fan

    Hi, do we have any information about the update for Joomla 4?

    I ask because end of joomla 3 is almost here, from my web hosting sent me a message also that joomla 3 time is almost done and suggested me to upgrade to Joomla 4, but I cannot update to joomla 4 because I'm waiting for JoomGallery extension for Joomla 4 (and of course with me all the users worldwide that use Joomgallery).

    Thanks for your work and I hope to have some good news before the end of Joomla 3.

    Have a nice day.

    Hi, great news that a work is in progress in JoomGallery in Joomla 4.

    I want to support you but I'm not a programmer so I made just now a PayPal donation.

    I want to tell to all the people that use this great component in their sites to make even a small donation to JoomGallery so to help the programmers to work better and more time so this great component become available for Joomla 4.

    I use it from 2012 in my website and it's far the BEST component for this job (Gallery / Images etc) in Joomla and I think that every penny worth for donation to support it.

    Thank you and good luck to the huge job that you have to do for Joomla 4!

    Hi to all,

    I want to inform you that I found the problem.

    The problem is caused from K2. I disabled everything one by one and the problem was not solved until I disabled last the System - K2 ( Site / Plugin / 2.10.3 / April 27th, 2020 / JoomlaWorks / system ).

    This is the main system plugin and if I disable it then the K2 (categories, articles etc) stop working!

    I tried to disable one by one others K2 plugins but the problem was not solved until you disable the main System - K2 plugin! When you disable System - K2 plugin favourites works perfectly at once!

    At least I found it, but the problem is strange because also K2 is an extension used but thousands of websites, it's very popular and I suppose that all users that has it and also has joomgallery installed , probably they haven't noticed the problem with favourites yet!

    Somehow I think we should tell them to fix it. I found a similar problem in K2 forum about joomgallery here :

    I installed the K2 latest build as said in that thread just in case if this fix the problem with favourites but unfortunately the problem remains!

    Thank you very much MrMusic for your time and your good will to check my website to try to find the problem and for your good suggestions.

    I'll see my other plugins you mentioned me and their settings because something cause the problem from there.

    Thanks again!!!


    if I select one photo and press the star below it, then the photo is added in my Favourites with the message in green color "This image was successfully added to your favourites."

    Then I enter in my favourites , I see the photo I selected before that is there correctly, but when I press the "Download ZipFile" then I receive again the message

    "There wasn't any image specified."

    This happens even if I have only one photo in my favourites or even if I have a lot photos, it show the same error message "There wasn't any image specified."

    If it helps you, I am logged in at my site when I try to do this because I have at the settings the option "Public Zip Download: NO" so public / unregistered user cannot download or use the favourites and the users must log in to have the right to download photos (as me I logged in and favourites is shown)

    Also if it helps you, I give you the settings I have in JoomGallery in Configuration / Favourites :

    Use Favourites: YES

    Advice in the case of not enough rights: YES

    Max number of images: 0

    Zip Download: YES

    Public Zip Download: NO

    Use Zip Download only: NO

    Allow adding all images of a category?: YES

    Show Download?: YES

    Show Editor links? YES

    Thank you.

    Hi and congratulations for this very good extension, I use it for my galleries and I like it a lot.

    I use latest version of Joomla! (3.9.18) and Joomgallery (3.4.0) and I have a problem with "My Favorites".

    When I am in a gallery with images, I press the star to add all the images of the category in my favorites so to download them after all together in a zip file, but I get an error message "There wasn't any image specified." So the star and "My favorites" is not working. I remember some years ago in older Joomla! version this was working OK.

    Also after the error message "There wasn't any image specified." I go just for checking to "My Favorites" and I press "Download the zip file" but again I receive the message "There wasn't any image specified."

    Is this happens to me only or is it a bug? How can I fix it so to can add all images of a category to my favorites (by pressing the star) so to download them all together in a zip file?

    Thank you very much.